Episode 253 – Pure Passion: Leadership, Mentorship and Leaving a Positive Mark with Dr. Kevin Kremer
Welcome to another inspiring episode of the Ultimate Advisor Podcast wherein Brittany Anderson interviews Dr. Kevin Kremer about his journey transitioning from a successful career in dentistry to focusing on leadership, mentorship and making a positive impact.
Kevin shares valuable insights on discovering your purpose through contributing to others. He discusses the importance of aligning your values and maintaining a growth mindset that for sure you will learn practical tips for overcoming fear, embracing change and finding renewed motivation from.
Kevin is the author of the upcoming book “Quantum Accountability” which provides a framework for taking ownership of your actions and mindset.
For more details on his work, contact Kevin through:
Website: kevinkremer.com
Email: kevin@kramerleadership.com
Episode Transcription
This is the Ultimate Advisor Podcast, the podcast for financial advisors who want to create a thriving, successful and scalable practice. Each week we’ll uncover the ways that you can improve your referrals, your team, your marketing, and your business operations, helping you to level up your advising practice, bring in more assets, and to create the advising practice that you’ve dreamed of. You’ll be joined by our hosts Bryan Sweet, who is moving fast towards a billion dollars in assets under management, Brittany Anderson, the driving force for advisors looking to improve their operations and company culture, and Draye Redfern who can help you systematize and automate your practices marketing to effortlessly attract new clients. So what do you say? Let’s jump in to another amazing episode of the Ultimate Advisor Podcast.
Brittany Anderson 01:07
Welcome back to The Ultimate advisor podcast Brittany Anderson here with you. I’m giving you a little treat today we are peeling back the curtain and giving you access to a recent podcast that I did through our dream architects life podcast. I thought the conversation was so pivotal was so profound and so needed in our space that we decided to do a little crash share and you get to tune in right now. Sit back and enjoy as you learn from the brilliant Dr. Kevin Kramer beginning his career as a dentist after being elected into the national dental Honor Society, the Omicron Kappa Upsilon Dr. Kevin Kremer has dedicated the last 20 plus years to providing the Chico community with exceptional dental care specializing in full mouth cosmetic and implant dentistry Kevin’s commitment to excellence is exemplified by a multitude of Continuing Education certifications, including diplomat status and the International dental implant Association and fellowship status in the icoi. Placing him among the top who percent of dentists nationwide as an entrepreneurial second generation dentist, Kevin has successfully completed eight mergers and acquisition like we got some stuff to learn from them. Driven by his passion for leadership and impact. Kevin takes pride in coaching and mentoring other doctors and businesses through the Kremer Leadership Institute. He’s a speaker and advisor and a mentor. The vision of Kramer leadership institute is to provide knowledge, leadership and inspiration to help dentists grow and achieve new levels of excellent Kevin, welcome to the show.
Kevin Kremer 2:47
Thanks, Brittany. Thanks for having me. It’s nice to be here.
Brittany Anderson 2:49
You know, I am so grateful to have you here. And I know we gave kind of the formal fancy introduction. But I would love straight from the horse’s mouth to hear what got you to this point. You know, what got you from dentistry, to leadership to mentorship, everything that we just heard about?
Kevin Kremer 3:06
Well, I to be honest, it’s a little awkward to hear that, you know, it’s never, I don’t love when people are, you know, self proclamation. But you get to a stage in your career, and you just want to help people, you know, I think it gets to this point where not only are you do you start to collaborate more, but you start to ask, you know, how can I contribute? How can I give back? And I think that’s what it comes down?
Brittany Anderson 3:28
Yeah, you know, that that give back is huge. And I know, behind the scenes, you may or may not have a higher level of contribution through a book that you’re about to release. So can you talk a little bit about what’s been brewing and how you’re contributing there?
Kevin Kremer 3:42
Yeah, um, you know, as we go through our career, and and we kind of learn tips or tricks and tools of the trade, if you will. And we know that success leaves clues, right. So I think looking back on, okay, certain things we did certain thoughts, certain certain habits, certain behaviors contributed to our level of success. It’s like, okay, you get to a point where maybe common sense isn’t always so common. So it’s like, how can we help empower people and help share that and in today’s day, sometimes we can we can get a mindset that certain people might say, Oh, I just want a handout. I just want to I deserve this as opposed to owning things. So our or taking accountability for our actions. So this book I’m writing is about having that Ownership mindset or that growth mindset. It’s called Quantum accountability, meaning if we’re going to see results in success in life, we have to be accountable and know that it’s up to us to make those things happen.
Brittany Anderson 4:44
You know, a big theme of this podcast, Kevin is we talk a lot about mindset. And there’s this notion of where money and mindset meet. You know, we are very fortunate where we’ve been able to work with a lot of business owners, a lot of people who have had great careers In great contribution and their lifetime, and now they’re kind of looking at this, what’s next this this next chapter? So can you talk a little bit because you talked mindset, I would just be curious on your personal take, how do you think mindset impacts money or wealth and how wealth maybe impacts mindset, let’s just let’s just put it wide open and wide out there.
Kevin Kremer 5:22
I mean, that’s huge. I mean, that that’s kind of the foundation in in the, the awareness I like to present to people is it starts with your mindset. So it goes back to, you know, a farmer, if our mindset is our thoughts, okay. It’s what we think about and, and every creator, every entrepreneur, every person, we take those thoughts, and we mentally digest those and process those, and then we turn those into things or the physical reality. So the concept of thoughts become things. So our mindset has a huge impact on our financial success. And it’s funny, because, you know, we’re all we all come from a different stage in life. And so we grow up with various mentors, and if in life we are, who our mentors and coaches are, and who our peer group is, if those are the two biggest influencers, and sometimes our mentors, our parents, for example, they may love us, but sometimes we develop some maybe bad habits or bad bad thought processes. So we’ll see that in, in society where you know, they talk about being filthy, rich, or dirty, rotten scoundrel, or, you know, I, so these terms that have negative connotations, and one of my favorite ones is because I’m in an area where agriculture is big, and particularly growing things on trees. So walnuts and Amazons, and so I love the statement like, oh, well, money doesn’t grow on trees, you know, people used to say that, and I jokingly say, well, actually, it does in my area, and the farmers can do quite well. So point is, if money is a non physical exchange of value, then the more value we provide and contribute to the world, then the more recompense that we can receive. So good.
Brittany Anderson 7:07
That is such a great answer. And you know, it honestly makes me think so as you’re talking about, you know, value and contribution, and this whole integration of the money and the mindset, you know, so often, especially in working with people that are coming off a lifelong career, they’re kind of looking at what is their net contribution? What’s that next level of value that they can put out into the world? And you said something interesting, earlier, when you were talking about accountability and understanding, like, it’s up to us to pave the way. So let’s just say hypothetically, Kevin, somebody is sitting in front of you. They were a business owner for many, many years, they’ve recently sold and they’re like, I’m too old to start all over. Or you can’t keep teach this old dog new tricks. What would you say to somebody sitting in front of you saying that?
Kevin Kremer 7:54
I mean, it’s, it’s a great question, because it really comes back to why are we here? Right? Why are we here on Earth? Or what’s our sense of purpose? And you and I like to say we’re having we are spiritual beings having a human experience, and if we’re having this experience, and we’re obviously here to relate and interact with other humans, so there’s no right answer, we can do whatever we want. And so you can see scenarios where somebody works their whole life, and they don’t really enjoy and have this sense of purpose, and then they retire. And they’re waiting for those golden years, as we used to say, right, and then maybe you’ll hear the stories where Gosh, someone retires and then they pass away right away, because now they’ve lost the meaning that they gave to life. So some people might work a certain career for a while, and then decide, okay, I’m going to, I’m going to sell, I’m going to have an exit, and then after some months or years might decide, hey, I’m ready to do something else, I’m ready to get involved again, or some people might decide they’re never going to retire because they enjoy it so much. So I mean, there’s no right answers, but I do have people who are further along in their career that will come to me and ask those questions. Well, what do I do now? And and it’s just a matter of going deep. You know, I love the John Mayer song. It’s like, am I live in it? Right, you know, so it goes back to What’s your why, what’s your purpose? And why, you know, what fills you up? And helping a person discover that and having a cadence of they’re contributing, they’re giving back and they’re still recharging and growing in life. I think that’s really important. And it’s different for everybody.
Brittany 9:27
You know, I think that’s so true. And, you know, there is this level of, of contribution that I think certain people really feel called towards, and then there’s others who, you know, it can be a struggle, it can be really, really hard to, you know, you reference their statistics around for some people if they don’t understand what their Why is and what that next level of value is that they’re set to provide into the world. There’s kind of scary statistics that actually show mortality rates and things like that, that can happen when you lose that sense of purpose. So Kevin, I would be curious out of the people that you’ve supported and the different business owners that you have been able to mentor and help and shape? Where is some place that you feel people are getting in their own way? Where are they blocking themselves?
Kevin 10:10
Oh, gosh, I mean, we all have blockages or blind spots. And depending on where we are in our career, and what we’re doing that can manifest in a lot of different ways. And so if we can just help a person, see where those are for them, and teach them to get out of their own way, or kind of trust, the process of a little bit of letting go, that can be really beneficial. So it’s finding that balance between paving the path, and really taking massive action, and then knowing when to like, almost submit and let go to the process and trust, I don’t know that the word that sometimes if you’re a religious person is comes up as having a sense of faith that, you know, everything’s gonna be all right. And we can take massive action, we can make mistakes, but if it doesn’t work out, that’s okay. So does that answer your question? Does that help? Yes,
Brittany 11:02
it does. And, you know, you made me think of something as you were talking about like this leaning on potential faith, and this taking massive action, I was reading something recently about how a lot of times, especially as a driven entrepreneur, the type A, and I can raise my hand over here, that there’s so many great shiny objects and things that you can, you know, pursue and get excited about. And the next big project the next big business opportunity, but it was all about, let’s just call it this the state of flow and the state of intention. And it talks about how when you are truly moving towards what you are meant to do, and the value that you’re meant to put on this earth to provide, it feels more like a pole than a push, right. So you actually feel like you’re being called towards something versus trying to trudge your way through, uphill both ways in the mud and the wind, and the sand and the snow and all of that. So I don’t know if you have any comments on that, but I just find that to be so true, just in my own journey, the polls pay more attention to those than the pushes.
Kevin 12:02
Yeah, that’s huge. I mean, that’s a great way to put it in and getting in that state of flow is is just an inbound, that to me. Like, it almost goes into the concept of energy a little bit where, when I talk about quantum accountability, I mean, the term is starts with the quantum which is, you know, if we go back to quantum mechanics, quantum physics, it’s, it’s the smallest particles that we can’t see with the human eye, we can’t measure but there’s energy and there’s force behind them. And we live in such a world of the mass, the physical reality that sometimes we forget about the non physical or the energy behind those things that contribute to that. And as Type A as you said, as overachievers, we can push ourselves too hard. And and then we have to stop. And that’s where we can be our own worst enemy and stop and go, Okay, timeout. And is this really where I want to be in life? And it’s not that it’s not that we have to be happy all the time. You know, happiness is not it’s not realistic to be happy all the time. It’s okay for us to go through struggle and to to push through in times yet, it’s also when we get to a certain sense of success to really evaluate that purpose and recognizing if we are in that state of flow that you talk about.
Brittany 13:24
Yeah. And, you know, I think that there’s some people and it sounds like Kevin, you’re one of these, these people that I’m about to describe is that they’re gifted the ability to have some level of introspection, where you can pause, and you can recognize, but unfortunately, I don’t believe everybody necessarily has that hardwired in. So that’s why you know, I pulled the word like mentor when I think about your bio, and how you’ve been able to be a mentor for many other people in their journey, and maybe helped a little bit with that introspection, spreading that to others to maybe cover what you call it, or the blind spots, right? The things that people it may feel obvious to you, but maybe not so much to that. So I would be curious. And I will preface this by saying as our audience members tuning in, if you’re thinking, you know, hey, I’m coming off of a certain lucrative career, or I’m shifting or I’m pivoting and I’ve had a level of success, and I have some wisdom and knowledge that I can impart on others. I want you to tune in to how Kevin’s about to answer this, which he doesn’t even know what I’m about to ask. But I will be curious, Kevin, what do you believe it takes to be an effective mentor, to be somebody who’s actually helping make and initiate change.
Kevin Kremer 14:36
So you know, that even the greatest most successful people have coaches, you know, they talk about professional athletes, you know, and even if they’re the top of their career, they may be changing their swing or changing their shot or their approach their footwork. And so wherever we are in our career mentors are important because of our blind spot. That’s and so we might be wealthier than them or more successful on a certain level. But we need those people to be there to help us recognize our blind spots. And sometimes, you know, there’s an old Harvard study and book that came out on the knowing doing gap, right? So a lot of us at one, we get to a stage in our career where we really know what to do, but are we actually doing it? And sometimes if we just hear it, you know, right place, right time, slightly different ly worded, different angle, then all of a sudden, what do we look for is just those little, those nuggets, or those pearls? Or the light bulbs go off? Like, oh, I didn’t think I didn’t think of it that way. And then, and then a mentor, a good mentor, or coach will challenge you to kind of get get stuff done and take that quantum leap or leap of faith, if you will, if it’s into an arena where you might be a little uncomfortable going, Yeah,
Brittany 15:54
I can absolutely attest, I have a business coach who has actually been on the podcast here. Jerome Myers is his name. So he has been wonderful. And the thing that I will say, in having that outside perspective is, I believe that being a mentor, or coach, whatever you want, whatever label you want to put on it, they ask really great question. And again, it’s questions that deep down, you probably know the answer to, but you’ve never been asked in a way that maybe resonates or forces you to get really clear. So I think that, you know, if somebody is tuning into this, and you’re thinking, Man, that’s what I’m missing. I’m missing a coach, I’m missing a mentor, I’m missing somebody to really help push me to make those quantum leaps. I think that somebody who asked great questions and have who has a track history of that level of success is just you can’t put a price tag on what that can do for a person’s growth and learning and expansion and, and all those great things that come with it. So I would be curious, Kevin, because my kids may disagree with this to a certain extent, but I believe that it is valuable to learn from other people’s mishaps. So what is the time that you overcame a big struggle, a big roadblock? And as you came out of that, you looked back and said, Man, that was that was for me? That was not to me, that was for me as much as it didn’t feel like it in the moment.
Kevin 17:14
I mean, that’s so much of life. And we often don’t realize it until after the fact. Okay, and I mean, I am not someone that has this amazing story of struggle and strife. The biggest things I’ve learned along the way are when I have had a vision or an idea and had the fear of, you know, should I go after that? Is that really the right thing and you get you get scared and uncertain. And then you go for it, and you look back afterwards, and you say, oh, my gosh, I’m so glad I did that. I remember when I decided to build my dream practice, if you will, one of my initial clinics. And I laid out this, this concept, and this, this some foundation for this really high level, customized care, I didn’t know how it was going to be received by the community. And so there was a lot of fear there. And then just taking that leap and going for it, and then looking back and go, Wow, that was a really great decision. So those to me have been the biggest things is just overcoming that the fear of the unknown, right. And so that’s where you work with people where success leaves clues and with mentors that can help you with that, just go for it. You know, I mean, the worst thing that you have to be concerned about is failure. And failure is just a stepping stone to the next success. Right. Amen
Brittany 18:39
to that. So I would be curious, Kevin, actually, you bring up an interesting point, you got to this point in your business where you were ready to, you know, kind of shift directions get a little bit more specialized, go all in in one path? What helped shape that decision for you? Like, why did you go that route?
Kevin Kremer 18:56
It all comes back to contribution? And how can I have a bigger impact? You know, in my world, I’m one person in in one town and in a state and how can I have an impact. And so it started with me being impactful in my service industry. And then other people wanted to be a part of that. So started adding associates and partners and growing the bricks and mortar concept. And then, you know, going back to dental school, Brittany, I almost dropped out. Because I was I’ve always been a deep thinker, and I was always interested in philosophy and was always reading like, really, you know, deep philosophical and spiritual books, and I’m like, Is this really the right way to go and I found meaning in the giving and contributing to, to my, to my patients, and then to our community by growing my team members and and then I’ve always, I think, like you mentioned earlier, that introspection, maybe having that deep thinking and really stuff stopping and pausing and saying, okay, you know, am I in alignment with my ideal self or my higher self of who the best version of me that I can be in this human experience? It’s
Brittany 20:13
a little interesting, Kevin, because literally, as you were talking, the words that flashed in my mind were value alignment. So it’s almost as if you read my mind of what my follow up to this would be, as you use the word alignment as it was popping in my head is, you know, it seems like in your journey, that there were so many different times where you really came back to yourself and had to look at, you know, am I still aligned with what my values are? Is that still what I want? Have my values remain the same? So can you give some some comment on value alignment? How do you stay true to yourself? And maybe as a follow up to that, how do you help others do the same? Yeah,
Kevi Kremer 20:57
I actually talked about that in the book coming out. And I talked about it at a virtual class I did recently and and it’s essentially goes back to like Benjamin Franklin. And as we all know, as business people, we know that you know, what gets measured gets done. And and we know about scorecards and measurements and KPIs, metrics, whatever you want to call it is that if we track things we can monitor, get a gauge on them, and then have a way of seeing improvement over time? Well, Ben Franklin had a he had a virtues tracker, right. And so you don’t have to track just numbers or $1 signs you can track your level of I’ve got them on my wall, Ben Franklin’s virtues frugality, resolution, order, silence, temperance, so you can choose what are those values or virtues that are important to you? And then how can I monitor and measure those through my daily daily activities and in my personal life,
Brittany 21:56
and I think that I, for one, I think there’s so much gold to that. And it can be really easy when you are chasing that proverbial success, or that next level of value or, you know, whatever, insert whatever term you want, when you’re chasing that next thing, if you don’t have that solid understanding of what you’re actually doing this all for, and what’s truly meaningful to you, it can be really easy to look around and find yourself in a scenario where you’re like, how the heck did I end up here? How do I have all this on my plate? Where am I going? What am I doing? Who am I even. And then that’s where my belief is, is that that x is an existential crisis can come in, where people end up just getting out of all of it, because it’s just too much. And really, if we would have these moments of pause of reflection, and of that re calculation, or calibration of value alignment, a lot of pain could be solved, and a lot of heartache could be solved for so you know, I do I want to push on a notion that you brought up before because you made the comment about how you don’t always have to be happy, you don’t always have to be, you know, the positive ray of sunshine, and it’s okay to feel wherever you are. So I would love for our audience members. A few key takeaways like when you are feeling down or discouraged when life feels like it’s a little bit much things are frustrating, whatever that is, what are some things that you do to kind of come out of that and bring yourself back to that ray of optimism? Yeah,
Kevin Kremer 23:23
it’s a great question. And there are so many times in our lives where where things aren’t going as we’d like them, or we all get down and like the meaning we give to things, I think in today’s day, sometimes people are giving way more meaning to that. And we’re seeing some negative repercussions of that and certain statistics as opposed to it starts with awareness and knowing that it’s okay to be sad or be down at times. And, and knowing that some of that is related to our perspective and how we’re comparing ourselves to others. And so all of the access to content online on social media and everything can lead to as we’re seeing in the younger generations, their perceptions of themselves. And so, it starts with being aware of you know, loving yourself, if you will, and knowing that it’s okay, and we’re all doing the best we can with what we have. But I think if anybody whether it’s a business situation that doesn’t go well or a you know, if you’re if you’ve got kids, most everybody out there is at a time where they’ve thought like they’ve worried about their kid, you know, like, oh my gosh, what if this I mean, because raising kids is a is quite an interesting journey. That’s not always happiness, right? So what I find really helpful in when things get down is is success comes from a state of gratitude. So I will have a gratitude journal or even on my phone now in my notes, all of these gratitude statements were all pull it up and I’ll read all these things I’m grateful or thankful for and I’ll get me back out of that surrender. then focusing on what’s not I focus on what I have or what is rather than focusing on what’s missing, focusing on what is present is really beneficial. And another thing that I like to do is I have a mantra where I’ll just kind of, you know, I feel like so much of what happens in our life. And our success starts with our thoughts and our mindset, as we touched on earlier. And an example I like to make is like, we saw issues with obesity in this country in the 80s, and 90s, where with our diet, and what we were feeding ourselves, what we’re eating was creating some negative repercussions, and we’re having people get significantly overweight. And so what we put in our body impacted who we became, I will argue that we’re going into a state and we’re currently in a stage right now in the 2020s, and 2030s, of what I would like to call mental obesity, where with AI coming out, with streaming content with social media, we are inundated with so much information that I think it’s important for us to be aware, put filters on and go wait a second, what am I feeding my mind. So not only just our thoughts, but the external influences that we’re letting in can have a huge impact. So what I’m feeding my mind will impact what I’m thinking about. And when that goes negative all start saying my little mantra of positivity to bring me back up. And as we know, once in business and success, if we’re going down the wrong direction, the sooner we take action, whether it’s the right or wrong thing, and we course correct, the faster we’re going to see a different result, which potentially could be the right results. It’s the same with negative thoughts, we can come up with behavioral patterns where we can quickly course correct and get to us back to a positive state, then we can be happier a lot more of the time. Yeah,
Brittany 26:59
it’s a great question. And there are so many times in our lives where where things aren’t going as we’d like them, or we all get down and like the meaning we give to things, I think in today’s day, sometimes people are giving way more meaning to that. And we’re seeing some negative repercussions of that and certain statistics as opposed to it starts with awareness and knowing that it’s okay to be sad or be down at times. And, and knowing that some of that is related to our perspective and how we’re comparing ourselves to others. And so all of the access to content online on social media and everything can lead to as we’re seeing in the younger generations, their perceptions of themselves. And so, it starts with being aware of you know, loving yourself, if you will, and knowing that it’s okay, and we’re all doing the best we can with what we have. But I think if anybody whether it’s a business situation that doesn’t go well or a you know, if you’re if you’ve got kids, most everybody out there is at a time where they’ve thought like they’ve worried about their kid, you know, like, oh my gosh, what if this I mean, because raising kids is a is quite an interesting journey. That’s not always happiness, right? So what I find really helpful in when things get down is is success comes from a state of gratitude. So I will have a gratitude journal or even on my phone now in my notes, all of these gratitude statements were all pull it up and I’ll read all these things I’m grateful or thankful for and I’ll get me back out of that surrender. then focusing on what’s not I focus on what I have or what is rather than focusing on what’s missing, focusing on what is present is really beneficial. And another thing that I like to do is I have a mantra where I’ll just kind of, you know, I feel like so much of what happens in our life. And our success starts with our thoughts and our mindset, as we touched on earlier. And an example I like to make is like, we saw issues with obesity in this country in the 80s, and 90s, where with our diet, and what we were feeding ourselves, what we’re eating was creating some negative repercussions, and we’re having people get significantly overweight. And so what we put in our body impacted who we became, I will argue that we’re going into a state and we’re currently in a stage right now in the 2020s, and 2030s, of what I would like to call mental obesity, where with AI coming out, with streaming content with social media, we are inundated with so much information that I think it’s important for us to be aware, put filters on and go wait a second, what am I feeding my mind. So not only just our thoughts, but the external influences that we’re letting in can have a huge impact. So what I’m feeding my mind will impact what I’m thinking about. And when that goes negative all start saying my little mantra of positivity to bring me back up. And as we know, once in business and success, if we’re going down the wrong direction, the sooner we take action, whether it’s the right or wrong thing, and we course correct, the faster we’re going to see a different result, which potentially could be the right results. It’s the same with negative thoughts, we can come up with behavioral patterns where we can quickly course correct and get to us back to a positive state, then we can be happier a lot more of the time. Yeah,
Kevin 27:58
was just gonna, I was just gonna say the same exact thing. Yeah, that’s classic. And it’s so true. It really
Brittany 28:03
is. So Kevin, before I asked my last couple questions here, if somebody wants to get a hold of you to maybe get an on an early release list for your book, or just get more details about how you do who you are, how you serve, how can they go about doing that? Yeah,
Kevin 28:18
is. So Kevin, before I asked my last couple questions here, if somebody wants to get a hold of you to maybe get an on an early release list for your book, or just get more details about how you do who you are, how you serve, how can they go about doing that? Yeah,
Brittany 28:27
to leave a lasting legacy of contribution and positivity to the world. I’m an optimist. And I think the world needs positive energy all the time and a message of hope, and that there’s always opportunity out there for people who are looking for ways to help others and to contribute to the world. Well,
Brittany 29:02
that’s beautiful. And you know, you made me think about I recently did an interview with a gentleman named Brian Neil. He’s the founder of blind zebra. He’s an NFL ref, which is where the blind zebra name came from. So he does sales training. But we had this deep conversation towards the end of the podcast about energy. And basically, do you believe it to be true? Do you believe that energy is actually something like tangibly that exists? And I said, I gave the example of how, if you’re ever questioning the notion of energy, and if you’re tuning into this as a listener, you know, you’ve heard Kevin and I talk multiple times today already about energy and this notion, you know, I go back to when you get goosebumps when somebody says something does something and you’re like, wow, like I felt that that’s energy. And so something as small as that I think people can relate to because everybody has had some sort of experience like that. Or maybe on the on the flip side, you know, you’re you’re walking through I’ll use myself you’re walking through like an airport parking lot by yourself in the dark after a long flight, and you get the little prickles on the back of your neck and you’re like, I gotta have my antenna up to something, this maybe isn’t a great spot or whatever. So again, energy, not the good kind, but it’s just energy. So I think because you’ve mentioned that so many times, Kevin, and I’m such a big believer in that as well, that that’s just something I want to call out that it’s real. And what we’re talking about here is absolutely, it’s tangible, you can feel so I don’t know if you have any more comments on that, I
Kevin 30:25
think it’s a it’s a major component. And it’s hard to quantify, because we live in this physical reality. So it’s hard to say if we say, you know, if we get into the quantum physics of it, and we get on the particulate size, and we say, You know what percentage of things is actually open space and energy as opposed to physical matter. But the important thing I think, in success is knowing that the thoughts we have the mindset are, our virtues are decisions, those are non physical things that form in our head that we then choose what we want to think and what we want to take action on. And then we take action on that we live our life in this on what car we’re going to drive, what business we’re going to have, what partners we’re going to who we’re going to work with, and all of that. And all of that is as a result of that determines the level of abundance we have in life. And so it’s a bit of in that quantum accountability, or what we think we’re defining and laying the foundation for who we are as a person. And then we take action, what we do then determines what we have. And that level of abundance gives us feelings, which are biochemical and energy of I’m happy. I’m in a state of joy. And so that’s that is kind of what I would say is the harmony where when your thoughts, actions, and your feelings are all aligned and you’re in harmony that would go to that energy is in that state of flow that you talked about. Does that make sense? It
Brittany 32:03
does. And I think that’s actually a great example. That’s actually one of the best explanations that I’ve heard, actually, that whole chain of events. So I think that was wonderfully stated. So Kevin, my last question is, what did I ask you that I should have? What did I leave on the table here?
Kevin 32:19
Well, I think what what you’ve done Brittany with Dream architect is pretty impressive. So I commend you for that. And it’s clear that you and Brian are giving back to the world and empowering so many people that it’s great to continue to speak and interact with people like yourself.
Brittany 32:38
Well, thank you. And I know Mr. Sweet is tuning into this. So he will absolutely love that as well. It is all about contribution and really helping people, you know, think even bigger and more expansive in nature. And you have absolutely contributed to that today, Kevin, so thank you for your time with us today. It’s greatly appreciated. And
Kevin 32:57
it’s my pleasure. And you know, my email is Kevin at Kramer leadership.com. And I’m always open to help if anyone has any questions. I’m here, I’m more than happy to converse, help and give feedback.
Brittany 33:10
Awesome. That is such a gift. So that rounds out today’s episode of The Ultimate advisor podcast. We’re gonna catch you right back here next week. Hey there, Brittany Anderson here. If you are loving what you’re hearing on our ultimate advisor podcast, don’t keep us a secret. Share us with other advisors that you think would benefit from the messages that you are hearing. The easiest way to do that is to simply send them to ultimate advisor podcast.com. And if you want to learn a few other ways that we could potentially serve you as an advisor, go check out ultimate advisor mastermind.com. As always, we are so happy to have you here with us as part of the ultimate advisor community and we look forward to a continued relationship.