Episode 234 – Attracting Clients the Smart Way with Paul McManus

Nov 1, 2023

Are you tired of the constant client chase?

Join us in this exciting Ultimate Advisor Podcast episode together with Paul Macmanus the AUTHORITY MARKETING EXPERT for financial advisors, the founder of More Clients More Fun LLC, MCMF Publishing, Creator of The Million Dollar Producer LinkedIn Program and host of The Million Dollar Producer Show Podcast, as we unveil the secrets to attracting clients effortlessly so you can focus on what truly matters – YOUR SUCCESS!

Learn more about Paul McManus by clicking the links below: paul@moreclientsmorefun.com


Episode Transcription

This is the Ultimate Advisor Podcast, the podcast for financial advisors who want to create a thriving, successful and scalable practice. Each week we’ll uncover the ways that you can improve your referrals your team, your marketing, and your business operations, helping you to level up your advising practice, bring in more assets and create the advising practice that you’ve dreamed of. You’ll be joined by our hosts Brian sweet, who is moving fast towards a billion dollars in assets under management, Brittany Anderson, the driving force for advisors looking to improve their operations and company culture, and Draye Redfern who can help you systematize and automate your practices marketing to effortlessly attract new clients. So what do you say? Let’s jump into another amazing episode of The Ultimate Advisor Podcast.

Welcome back to The Ultimate Advisor Podcast. Brittany Anderson here with you today. And today we’ve got some brilliance on the show. So without further ado, I am going to introduce you to our guests Paul G. McManus. Paul is the founder of more clients more fun LLC, MC MF publishing creator of the million dollar producer LinkedIn program, and host of the million dollar producer Show podcast. He has worked closely with over 500 financial advisors, CPAs life insurance producers and business advisors since 2015. He’s also the author of million dollar producer, the secret playbook for financial professionals to land high value clients using LinkedIn not a bad thing to have. He lives in San Diego, California with his wife at Sukkot, and his two Boston terriers, mu and potato chip. Paul, welcome to the show.

Paul McManus 01:07

Thank you so much for having me today.

Brittany Anderson 2:05

You know what, I am excited to have you here. And when we start off on the note of mu and potato chips, this is going to be fun.

Paul McManus 2:12

It you know, it should automatically bring a smile to your face, right?

Brittany Anderson 2:16

Oh my gosh, it’s so does. So Paul. Without further ado, I know that you’ve had a lot of impact in our industry as a whole. So tell me a little bit more about your background in helping financial professionals.

Paul McManus 2:29

Yep. Thank you for the question. I had my first experience working with a financial advisor back in 2016. And quite frankly, before 2016, I probably couldn’t spell financial advisor. But in 2016, I was running, I just started my marketing agency called more clients more fun. And we specialized in helping at that time more coaches and consultants use LinkedIn to market themselves and to essentially do business development activities. And we carved that out as our expertise. And during that process, I had a gentleman his name was Shane walls reached out to me, he was part of a coaching program I was doing. And he introduced himself and said, Hey, I think you could really help me if we worked a little bit more closely together. And initially, you know, I’m like I you know, that’s not really my thing. But long story short, I heard him out, we started working together. And over the course of I want to say two years, he credits me with helping him go from roughly $200,000 of commission per year to two and a half million dollars of commission during that time. And so that was my first Jose eye opening experience working specifically with financial advisors. And at that time, you know, people that do high end life insurance, business, and I, you know, there’s always this thing in marketing, it’s like, you know, who’s your perfect, you know, your target audience, who should you be working with, and I know a lot of people oftentimes struggle with that, I would say, in this case, my ideal target audience found me because, up until that point, again, I was thinking about a different audience. And I just saw the potential there. And the really cool thing about that experience is that he was such a cool guy. I mean, he was just, you know, fun guy, just, you know, you know, living the life. You know, we met remotely on zoom all the time. And it just really opened my eyes to what, to this industry. And it got me excited about taking my skill set and really applying it to help other financial advisors accomplish similar results. And so since then, I’ve worked as you introduced me close to 500 financial advisors, and that’s largely it’s an array of financial advisors, life insurance producers. I work with a lot of CPAs, some tax attorneys, others that do business advisory services, but I love what I do. I love helping them and it’s been a joy. So I’m really looking forward to getting into this conversation.

Brittany Anderson 2:59

You know, Paul, I love it, how you can kind of pinpoint that one change in time right like that. One relationship that really pivoted things for you and for them to obviously, so I think so often we can focus on the next paycheck now versus the impact. And it’s clear that you focused on the impact there.

Paul McManus 5:15

No, yeah. And it’s interesting, you know, I, I built my business since then. But I can really, if I go back through my own journey, I can really now starting with chain, there’s about three other people who really had a huge impact on me. And conversely, I’ve helped create a huge impact for them as well. And I’m looking forward to maybe getting some of those stories as we go forward.

Brittany Anderson 5:36

Awesome. Well, Paul, I have this trusty little book that came in the mail. And it’s got your name on it. financial professionals guide to writing a book in six weeks to attract ideal clients. So I’m curious, thinking about impact, what made you decided to write this?

Paul McManus 5:55

Yeah, I wrote my so I’ve been working with financial advisors since 2016. And most of that time, I was helping them on the marketing side through our marketing agency. And in 2000, and I want to say, 19, I got the idea to write my own book. And at that time, it was million dollar producer. The funny thing is, is that I initially got the book cover created, and I put it out on social media, and I started getting a bunch of congratulations, like, congratulations, Paul, that’s so cool. You’re an author. And I’m like, you know, I’m feeling pretty good, right. And so, unfortunately, that satiated my motivation to write to actually write the book for another six months. And so it took me a little bit, but once I did write the book, it was a complete game changer in terms of everything. I mean, you know, from how I positioned myself to how I had marketed myself to the sales conversations that I was having. And, and I could see firsthand because I’ve spent a lot of money over the years, I’m, you know, I consider myself a marketing expert. I’ve invest in a lot of different strategies from webinars to, you know, email marketing, to LinkedIn to this to another podcast. And to me, the act of writing, publishing, and then marketing a book was the most significant game changer that I saw. And so that really motivated and inspired me to launch my own boutique publishing company. And so I want to say roughly 2021, I decided to start making that as a service. And over the course of the end of 2000 2001 2022, I started working with more and more clients, mostly people at that time, who are already working on LinkedIn. And I saw that, okay, this is like, you know, as much as I love LinkedIn, this is like my passion, you know, helping people really capture their story, effectively, to take a lot of this financial jargon that is impactful, but if you just talk numbers, numbers, numbers all the time, people are gonna gloss over, and you’re not going to be able to, you’re not gonna be able to track the right clients as well. And you’re not going to have, you’re not gonna be able to make the type of impact that you could otherwise do. So I got really excited about really focusing in on making this like my core service. And so you know, of course, following my own example, best way to really go big in marketing is to start by writing a book. And so it was the beginning of 2023, I wrote this book, this was my third book at the time. And really, just over the past year, I’ve just been really on a podcast tour, just talking about the book and getting the message out there to financial advisors about the power of a book, and specifically a short book. You know, I’m happy to get into, you know, why a short book is better than a long book, from my perspective, and all those good things.

Brittany Anderson 8:30

Yeah, you know, Paul, I’ll share with you we’ve had for so for our long term listeners here, we have had a few different people on that are talking about books and the power of books, and why it’s so important and how you’ve got this variation. And I think there’s, let’s just call it different ends of the spectrum, where people there’s some that believe a book is a business card. And then there’s others that are like a book is absolutely not your biggest your business card, it is your biggest opportunity for impact. And you can’t look at it like a business card, because it can’t just be tossed out to everybody. So there’s so many different viewpoints. And our belief is regardless of which way you go write a darn book, there’s so many advantages, and to your point, there are great marketing opportunities. So you kind of lead me into this one. Actually, I would love to know, first of all, what should people know our advisor audience specifically, what should they know? When it comes to writing a book? And then part two of that question is why a short book?

Paul McManus 9:28

No. So I’m gonna, I’m gonna take those questions in the reverse order. So yeah, I think writing a book is on many people’s bucket list. And it’s called a bucket list for a reason. Oftentimes, it’s things that you want to do, but you don’t quite get to at least not till later in life. I think there’s this huge, you know, so people conceive of writing a book as this monumental Herculean task that requires a year long sabbatical. In order to get done. Well, guess what? They’re not going to do it or they’re not going to do it until the point where it’s probably gonna have less of an impact on their business. And so my process and my belief, and my approach is that I care about the book for the reason of helping you build your business, build your brand, build your business, create more clients create more revenue, my process is not geared for the person who simply wants to tell their story and have a legacy. Now, there’s a place for that. But that’s not where I meet financial advisors, I meet them with the book is your passport to 10x growth. You know, there’s a great book out now with by Dan Sullivan, who a lot of people familiar with, and he’s talked about this concept for a long time. 10x is easier than 2x. And I think he just recently put out a book with Dr. Benjamin Hardy, which is essentially by that title, a book is your passport to 10x growth, and part of it is one, you have to get it done. And so our process and the short book formula, which is out there, shows people how they can do it in as little as six weeks. So it makes it manageable. And then conversely, once you have the book published, if you really want to make it an optimized marketing tool, and a sales conversion tool, you need to get people not just to say, hey, great, congratulations, you have a book or even Hey, I bought your book and it’s sitting there, you know, prettily on my bookshelf. And one day I plan to read it, you actually need to get people to want your book because they see it to help them solve a problem that they have. And to get them to consume the book. When you do those things. When you get it out in front of the right people to have the you know who it’s geared towards, you get them to actually read or listen to an audio book. Now you’re in this magical place. Where done well, I like to think of a book as one of two things in marketing language. It’s either your salesperson in print, well, actually, I’ll go with that. So it’s your salesperson in print, and so done well, before I ever speak to someone buy my books doing the work for me. And by the time someone schedules on my calendar, they’ve already met my book, which is my salesperson in print. And now we can get beyond the whole who are you? And what are you trying to sell me? And really, it’s I’m now positioned as the author, the expert, the teacher, and now it’s a matter of how can I help and we can get down to the brass, you know, the brass tacks of what the problem is, what the desire is, are we a good fit, and things of that nature. So I’ll share a story with you one of my clients. His name is Mark Miller, and we started working together want to say about three years ago, and I helped him write and publish a book called The tax free business owner. And it has it holds out the promise of how business owners can legally Pay Zero Taxes. And since then, we’ve been helping him market that on LinkedIn. And when he markets on LinkedIn, he’s marketing it to really a bunch of strangers, right. So we’re connecting with people who’s not connected with and we’re using it as the marketing bait to get them to say, hey, I want to copy the book. But I just recently did an interview with him where he was talking about essentially a testimonial. And what he said is that when you know, the calls that we scheduled for him, the process wise is typically a 20 minute call. And assuming that they’re qualified, he moves into an hour call and 80% of the people that make it to that second call become clients. And that’s transformative, because we’re talking about people that two weeks ago, were complete strangers, right? No one likes to get sold to we live in a society where the biggest obstacle we have is trust, you know, who are you? I don’t know, you have never heard of you, you know, and especially when it comes to our financial, you know, our money, right? It’s like, sounds too good to be true, it probably is. But he just reiterated and reiterated not only that success rate, but the reason he was able to accomplish that was because they read the book. And so in that process, if they schedule and they schedule the next call, and they don’t read the book, guess what, it doesn’t work out that well. But if you use the book really is that sales conversion tool, which means that you set the expectation as part of this process, you’re going to read the book, it works magic. And so that leads itself into why a short book and so I think I may have mentioned this briefly before, but at the end of the day, you need to give a reasonable expectation is someone that as part of our process, you need to read or listen to the book. And if I wrote a five hour book, that’s going to be counterproductive, right? I’m gonna, I’m gonna get people to be like, I, I’m sorry, I don’t have that much time. But with a 60 to 90 Minute Book, you can set the expectation that you need to read or listen to this is part of the process. People go along with that. And the process of getting someone to become a complete stranger to new client in as little as two calls is phenomenal.

Brittany Anderson 14:22

You know, Paul, I think about a couple of things here that, you know, number one, I think about the advisor community as a whole, and there’s so many different opportunities for marketing. And I think you just laid out and I would bet that people’s ears are very much perked up right now because an 80% conversion off of that, that second call. That’s a really big deal. So a couple of the struggles that we see and this is going to help phrase My next question is that people often don’t know. Which Which path should they choose? Is it the book? Is it starting a podcast? Is it LinkedIn marketing, is it you know, there’s so many different opportunities out there, that just choosing can be a pain point. So what do you personally see are the biggest challenges that financial professionals face when it really comes to growing and maybe marketing their practice?


Paul McManus 15:11

Yeah. So in my experience of working with close to 500, financial advisors and professionals, I’ve seen every single aspect of that I’ve worked with plenty of people, especially originally where it was just LinkedIn, and there wasn’t a book or, or a podcast. And I’ve worked with them in different capacities. And the through lines that I’ve taken from all of that is that there’s three fundamental things that do work. And this isn’t specific to any technology or era. But the three things that work across the board are, you know, number one referrals, no surprise, their problem with referrals is that we don’t get enough of them, right, we want more of them. But if we could live in a referral driven business, and we got as many referrals as we wanted, people would be pretty happy. So referrals work, and they’ll continue to work. The second is authority, and this is the book, which is people need to be positioned correctly, they need to have something that sets them up properly, and positioning standpoint allows people to engage, you know, engaged with their thought leadership or their mindset, or their value proposition for lack of better word, before they ever go and talk to the person, right. So I mean, you know, think about yourself and myself, it’s like, you might be interested in something. But in today, 2023, what’s the first thing you do? Well, I’m going to google them, I’m going to check on YouTube, I’m going to see what podcasts they’ve been on, I’m going to see, you know what other people have to say about them, etc, etc. And so the third is speaking now speaking is interesting, because it can be in person in person speaking is magical. It can be webinars, just this morning, and about an hour ago, I did a webinar for a group of people, it was 30 people. And already three people schedule a call with me. It can be podcasts. And there’s in my mind two forms of podcasts, there’s hosting your own podcast, and there’s guest podcasting. Such as, you know, in this case, you’re the host, and I’m the guest. But the end of the day, what is that it’s speaking, so you got referrals, you got authority, and you got speaking, now, it’s the synergy between those three things where the magic really happens. And so just one in its own silo can give you a certain a certain impact. But if you start mixing and matching, that’s where you get the biggest impact. And so I’m going to give you a concrete example of that. So I published as I said, this latest book of mine, at the beginning of this year, my core strategy was to get on as many podcasts that served with financial advisors, which is my audience as possible. And over the course of the year, the plurality of all my new clients have come in from guess where podcasts and guess podcasting. And if you break that down what’s actually happening, you have the book authority, you have speaking, which is the guest, podcasting. And you also have a form of referral, because the podcast host such as yourself has typically a great audience, there’s trust, there’s all these things. And while the host may not be giving you an explicit endorsement and saying, you know, go work with this person, I think at a subconscious level there that exists. And so it’s amazing to me to see how potent having a book and going on guest podcasting in 2023, to me is the most effective marketing mix you can have. So go back to your question, what’s the order? I would start with a book because the book can be inserted in everything that you do if you’re doing speaking events? Hey, how much better would your speaking event be if you had a book as a giveaway? Because now you have authority? And so yeah, I would start with a book and then broaden that out to how do I really amplify that and get that out in the world?

Brittany Anderson 18:40

You know, Paul, there’s a couple things that come to mind here. And I think that so often people go on to podcast and I think about some of the experiences that we’ve had with some of our advisor audience too, is people go on to podcasts. And they’ll have a general idea of a message that they want to articulate, communicate, but there’s no solid call to action. I have made this mistake before. I know many friends and colleagues who have done the same thing. So can you share, like let’s say somebody is they’ve written their short book, they’re ready to take it to market they’re getting on these podcasts. What do you see as a really solid, effective call to action at the end of those conversation?

Paul McManus 19:22

I will do it right now. I will demonstrate this in real time. I love it. If you want more information about me go to my website, the short book formula.com And you can get a complimentary copy of my book, boom. That’s the call to action.

Brittany Anderson 19:36

Easy. I love that. So Paul, obviously you have so much experience and a wealth of knowledge not only in this whole book writing process, but in in marketing and really in our industry as a whole. So I guess my next question for you because I fully believe in people not reinventing the wheel is what is one of the most difficult lessons that you’ve learned in your own journey and how Did you not allow it to stop you from pursuing that next level of growth? Next Level opportunity?

Paul McManus 20:07

Good question. Yeah, can remember you think here, huh? I think so what comes to mind right now is, and this may be a little bit esoteric, but it’s how do you deal with motivation versus complacency. And what I mean by that is that in 2020, when the pandemic hit, I was fortunate where instead of it hurting my business, it helped my business explode in a positive way. And you know, just partially because I was helping advisors with LinkedIn marketing, and now there was a sudden need for LinkedIn marketing, or online marketing. And so it had a very positive impact on my personal business. And what I found through that was I hit my income went up, my stress went up. Again, I got to, I got to this point where I was complacent about income, because I was no longer driven by I need to earn more, because I had more than I needed, right? And then the stress is going up. And so it’s kind of like well, do I really want to push myself that much harder. And that was back in 2020. And now it’s 2023. And I now have a new business partner who I wasn’t looking for, but approached me, and they are a massive visionary. They do this person in particular, Pete has over $8 billion of assets under management. And as I’ve gotten to know him, I’ve just been re inspired about what’s possible, and how fun it can be in it’s not for the money, it’s not be like, hey, I need an extra dollar, I need any of this other it’s like, really just having a vision that’s transformative, that impacts you impacts the people around you, and breaking through all of the barriers that stand in between where you are and where you desire to be. And so that, I guess, I guess the lesson is, and I’ve known this over the years, but just to reinforce as it is that you become the five people that you spend the most time with. And so it’s super important to surround yourself with people that are ideally more successful than you or more, you know, accomplished than you because now you have this natural drive to want to do better than you would by yourself.

Brittany Anderson 22:11

I love that you took it that direction, Paul, and I love asking that question totally sporadic throughout the conversation, because I think you get such a real raw response. And we talk about that a lot on this podcast is, you are the product of the five people that you put put yourself around and how like just how influential that can be both positively and potentially negatively. So I think that’s such a perfect reminder. And you know, even even the most driven of, of types, the high achievers, the people who are never going to settle for the status quo, we still need those reminders once in a while. So I think that is just a beautiful example. So, Paul, a couple, a couple additional questions for you here is let’s just say we have an advisor tuning in, it’s like, you know, they keep talking about books. And yeah, that’s a good idea. But it doesn’t really mean I really need to do that. So why do you believe that any advisor out there, every advisor out there should potentially become an author?

Paul McManus 23:09

Yeah, it goes back to the Dan Sullivan idea of 10x is counter intuitively easier than to x. And I believe in my experience, that authorship has the potential, not the guarantee, but has the potential to 10x your practice. And so you know, if if you’re comfortable with the status quo, and doing what you’ve always done, you’re gonna get what your voice got. And you know, that can be success, right? That can be Hey, I’ve grown 10%. This year, I’ve grown 20% This year, and those are good things. But if you’re one of those people are thinking, How do I really break through? How do I accomplish potentially 10x growth and much faster than I would otherwise you need to have something that’s new and different. And again, of all the marketing is these things don’t necessarily live in isolation. But out of all the things that you could be doing, I strongly believe that the book is the linchpin to make everything else you’re doing that much more that much better, that much more effective. One of the things about the idea behind the short book, and I tell him I tell this to people in the beginning when I’m working with them is that for most people writing the first book is a major accomplishment. And rightly so and because it’s a short book and not a long book, and it’s roughly 12,000 to 15,000 words, because of that, and the process is six weeks versus you know, a year or whatever, I plant the seed that you’re going to like this so much, not just the process of becoming an author, but you’re going to see the results and that you should think about doing a book once a year because now you’re constantly got a new message or reinforced message or some angle or some aspect of your business that you want to get out there in a bigger way. And like anything, there’s a learning curve, right and so you find opportunities to promote your first book, you get better and better. You see the value of it. Well, a year later, you get your second book potentially. And now your results are that much more amplified. links to experience etc. And so again, I just say that if you’re looking for that, that key piece of marketing collateral that can benefit all other aspects of your marketing and advertising and sales. A book to me is that linchpin.

Brittany Anderson 25:13

You know, Paul, I think that is so true. And now you’ve got my brain reeling. Of course, I scrolled for a minute here and my train of thought, because I’m like, Man, the last time that we dropped our book release, I think it was June of last year. So I do for the next one. So So Paul, before I get into my last question, or two, if somebody wants to talk to you further about the book writing process, your supporting LinkedIn, how can they do that? How can they engage with you?

Paul McManus 25:36

Yep, thanks for the question. I was just to add to what you just said, is that I actually got from Brian Tracy, who many of us know or have heard of, and he’s obviously a prolific writer, he’s in from him I got you shouldn’t be doing or He does this every six months, right. So his goal is to write her husband to write every six months, but create a new book, because he just wants to constantly be out there. And it’s just that fresh thing that he goes back and markets and promotes, etc. So it keeps them top of mind in everything that he does. And so I’m not there yet, you know, a year. So think of a year as conservative at this point as a potential goal. So another question. Yeah. So again, very simple for someone that’s listening this and they want to learn more best place to go is my website, the short book formula.com. From there, you can get a complimentary copy of my book, and I have an audio version there that you can get for free. I also have contact information and everything else. And if it makes sense to talk, from there, you can schedule a 15 minute phone call with me.

Brittany Anderson 26:36

Awesome, I highly encourage any of our listeners to do that. Again, you can tell Paul, that you have a ton of knowledge and experience in the industry. And in what works. I mean, again, it’s it’s proof in the pudding, right? So the people that you’ve served, the examples that you shared, those are exceptional. And it’s exciting to think about kind of sparking things up and doing something new trying something new to really start, I guess, attracting clients to you versus the chase.

Paul McManus 27:02

It’s so much more fun. I mean, I mean, I just have to have this as that. Yeah, I’m like, I’m not a natural salesperson, I’m naturally an introvert and, and you know, I would never do what I do, if I had to chase, I would, I would rather do something else. But when you build up a marketing system, let’s say that really attracts the right people. And by the time you talk to them, they’re already excited to talk to you because they know enough about you. I mean, it’s a complete game changer in terms of just waking up every day and seeing after three or four calls on my calendar with people who I know have already, you know, know something about me, it’s so much more motivating and inspiring to want to grow your business to that next level. And so it’s definitely possible. And if you haven’t experienced it yet, I love helping people achieve that.

Brittany Anderson 27:48

And love it. So Paul, kind of your your look at you’re on what’s next, what’s got you really excited about the future?

Paul McManus 27:56

Yeah, I am excited about the disruption, that’s going to be happening that’s happening, and it’s going to continue to happen. So I’m a student of AI or I say that, I mean, I’ve sent this past year of deep dive into AI. And because as you know it for marketing companies AI is I think marketing companies are really being impacted by artificial intelligence. And it’s really giving us superpowers. And I mean, that legitimately it’s, it’s, we’re able to do it, people that are using it are able to do things 10 times better than we could a year ago. So we’re able to offer services and improve the quality of our services and offer more services for not necessarily more money, right for the same amount of money. And you know, that’s just in my own little neck of the woods. But disruption brings opportunities, I’m really excited about connecting my own business over the next couple of years. And I think it’s completely possible to do and then just you know, as a person, I’m fascinated by how this is going to disrupt society at large. Because, you know, you know, you know, Elon Musk, for example, who warns about, you know, we would like both does AI but also warns about it. I mean, you know, there’s a path for a very positive future for all of us. And then there’s also the, you know, the path for destruction, right. So, you know, I’m agnostic in terms of or I mean, I don’t know what’s going to happen, none of us do, but it’s going to be a very exciting future that we’re gonna have, because it’s gonna be very disruptive.

Brittany Anderson 29:20

You know, I think about there’s the adage out there about how AI will not replace you in your work, but if you don’t embrace AI, it absolutely will. Right. So I think that there’s a lot of it there’s that there’s so many of us in so many dynamics and you know, whether it’s marketing industry, you know, wealth planning industry, any industry you can think about real estate, I mean, there’s all kinds of stuff that we can be doing to create efficiencies, add time back, buy time back, be more creative, not have to work and build from the ground up. So I think you’re so dead on there that there’s there’s really exciting things ahead, if used correctly.

Paul McManus 29:57

So it has a disruption right. So I mean, it To your point, I mean, I completely agree. And if you’re like just kind of coasting, you know, it’s gonna be a difficult future. But if you’re entrepreneurial, and you’re looking for the edge and how to get ahead, I mean, disruption can be your best friend.

Brittany Anderson 30:11

Yeah, amen. So, Paul, I like to land on this question. Is there anything that I didn’t ask you that I should have?

Paul McManus 30:20

That’s my favorite question. By the way. I love that question. No, I just want to appreciate all the questions and this opportunity to to talk with you and your audience. And so I just wanted to share my appreciation with you. And for anyone listening who thinks there might be interested in again, I recommend checking out my audiobook and from there if it makes sense to have a conversation. I welcome it.

Brittany Anderson 30:42

Awesome. Well, Paul, we are so grateful that you joined on the show and shared your brilliance shared your expertise. I know I had some great takeaways. And I know that our audience did too. So thank you for joining us. Thank you. That wraps up today’s episode of The Ultimate advisor podcast. We’ll catch you right back here next week. Hey, Brittany here. We hope you got a lot of value out of today’s episode, to access the key takeaways, the show notes and any deliverables go to ultimate advisor podcast.com. And while you’re there, check out the ultimate advisor mastermind. If you want to learn ways to maximize your income, your impact and your legacy through an automated practice, a self managing team and a killer culture that clients can’t stay away from. We look forward to seeing you back here in next week’s episode.