Episode 194 – Achieving Sustainable Success with Alaina Schwartz
In this episode of The Ultimate Advisor Podcast, we will hear from Alaina Schwartz, an International Speaker, Best-selling Author, and Elite Performance Coach who is passionate about helping high achievers to multiply their income and impact while creating more time freedom. In this episode, she shares mindsets, opportunities, and strategies based on her own journey that will help entrepreneurial advisors level up and achieve sustainable success without sacrificing the things in life that are more valuable. So push PLAY and learn how you can apply these principles in your life right now and start becoming who you need to be.
Episode Transcription
This is the Ultimate Advisor Podcast, the podcast for financial advisors who want to create a thriving, successful, and scalable practice. Each week we’ll uncover the ways that you can improve your referrals your team, your marketing, and your business operations, helping you to level up your advising practice, bring in more assets and create the advising practice that you’ve dreamed up, you’ll be joined by your hosts Bryan Sweet, who is moving fast towards a billion dollars in assets under management, Brittany Anderson, the driving force for advisors looking to hire improve their operations and company culture, and Draye Redfern who can help you systematize and automate your practices marketing to effortlessly attract new clients. So what do you say? Let’s jump into another amazing episode of the Ultimate Advisor Podcast.
Brittany Anderson:
Welcome back to The Ultimate advisor podcast, Brittany Anderson here today with a guest that I am so excited to bring to you. I’ll give a little background before I get into the formal intro. So the guests we have on today actually pinged me on LinkedIn looking to connect and after reading a little bit about her realizing this was not just some salesy pitchy kind of relationship forming, I decided to reach back out and have a conversation. Now, the reason that I give this premise before we get into the details is that there are so many great connection tools out there, make sure that you are open to connection open to opportunity. And it’s kind of amazing what comes out of it. So I would not be bringing this guest here if I did not have an open mind to connection and resource and brilliance that she’s about to bring to the table. So without further ado, I would like to welcome Elena Schwarz. Elena is an international speaker, a best selling author and elite performance coach who is passionate about helping high achievers to multiply their income and impact while creating more time freedom. I can’t think of a single person who doesn’t want that, after years of experience on the roller coaster of entrepreneurship. She had become intimately familiar with sacrificing health and freedom to increase profitability. Now she uses cutting edge tools to support her clients in making shifts at the DNA level to align with their purpose so they can move out of stress and into joyful and sustainable seven figure plus success. Because no one needs to sacrifice to have it all. Elena, I am so excited to have you here today.
So thrilled to be here with an honor and a privilege. Brittany, thank you.
Well, I know that you are full of knowledge and you know possibility that you’re going to share with our advisor audience today. So before we get into some of the nitty gritty, I would love for you to just share a little bit more of your background like obviously, we share the high level in your bio. But who was the Lena? What got you to this point in your journey? And you know, kind of where you’re headed from here?
Yeah, it’s interesting. You know, I wanted to answer that question way of never answered it. But what got me here was a whole host of failures. That kept redirecting my path. To be honest, I was a highly successful music attorney in New York City. So I was in the music industry contract lawyer. And my career culminated as me being the executive vice president of the largest independent music company in the world at the time. And when I took that job, so I’ve always been in private practice up until then, I was never in an institutional situation. And when I took that gig, I really started asking myself some very deep questions like, Is this all there is like, is this it? Like, I knew that lawyering wasn’t necessarily for me, it was like my parents hopes and dreams for me. But I just kept thinking that the more success I’d have, that I finally be happy, and here I was sort of at the pinnacle of success and never more miserable. And it made me very physically ill at the same time, and so that you could call it a colossal failure almost, if it you know, like, a redirection redirected me to my true life purpose, but not before, I kind of hit a wall of what I call a dark night of the soul and watched all the structures of my life collapse.
So I not only moved out in New York, I went from having a very sweet nest egg to being massively in debt, almost 100 grand in debt, my marriage fell apart. So I’d have difficulty with my son, like all kinds of things, just the confluence of events. And I started to realize that I had created this living hell home that I was in and was seeking ways for me to get myself out of it. So I learned a bunch of mindset tools and techniques that helped me rewire my brain and understand the nature of reality in a different way and hired a purpose coach and realized what my purpose was. And it was essentially helping entrepreneurs really achieve their purpose in in a, I guess, more sustainable way. But the truth is, is it was another massive failure that really led me to where I am now. Because while I was working mostly with startups, and helping people get to six figures, I had created six figures in seven months in my first year of coaching, and then proceeded to, again, trash it. So I realized I had this pattern of creating tremendous amounts of success, and then wiping it out, right, that was my limiting belief of not allowing that much good into my life. And that one took me years also to recover from. And in the process of that I went back to my old patterns of work harder to hustle harder to create the success to get back to where I was. And that’s when I realized how unsustainable and really untrue hustling was. And I sort of put my stake in the ground and made it my mission to help help entrepreneurs established entrepreneurs get out of the hustle and into flow so that they can create the level of success and impact and time freedom with ease.
You know, I think there’s, there’s so much to be said there. Because, you know, first of all, we tend to have a lot of entrepreneurial advisors that listen and tune into this podcast. You know, people who feel called to more who in I’m sitting here listening to you talk about how you kind of looked around and said, Is this it? Is this all there is, and I think that’s what’s so powerful about the entrepreneurial journey is that it’s never that it’s never just it. It’s always evolving. It’s always growing, and to have somebody who’s lived through what you’ve been through, and learn from the failures, per se, you know, what do they say, if you’re, if you’re not winning, you’re learning.
You know, I think that just that helps you relate so much to the people that you’re in turn helping. So I think those stories are so powerful, and they resonate so much with the listeners too. So I would be curious to know, you know, through your own journey, and in the work that you’ve done with so many entrepreneurs over the years, what would you say is the biggest opportunity that you often see entrepreneurs missing in their journey?
Hmm, opportunity itself. So funny, you know, I’m gonna use my hands, but I’ll describe it at the same time, because I we’re just talking about talking with my hands. So what happens is, most entrepreneurs, let’s use a scale, it’ll be easier that way, let’s say a scale of one to 10. And I’m making this up, this doesn’t really exist. Although there are scales of consciousness out there. David Hawkins has an amazing scale of consciousness. But but let’s say a scale of one to 10. And let’s say your frequency is vibrating at a level three, but you’re wanting opportunities that you’d have to be a level seven frequency to actually see they’re actually there right now. They like one of my favorite things that my clients say to me when they start doing this work, is that opportunity came out of nowhere. And it cracks me up because No, it didn’t come out of nowhere. It was there all the time. You couldn’t see it based on the level of frequency you were vibrating at in the moment. And so this is about learning how to master your energy. And when you start mastering your energy, you’re able to raise your level of frequency. That’s how you get into flow. But then all of a sudden, you see all of these opportunities that you couldn’t see based on where you were at the time. Does that make
sense? Yes, it does. And, you know, it brings up that topic of awareness in general like and I, I want to comment too, on just the whole frequency conversation. It made me think immediately of the whole adage of the 10 year, overnight success, where you’re creating opportunities in your life, and then all of a sudden, you feel like you hit the goldmine, and people are like, Well, I’ve actually been working at this for a really long time. So that’s immediately what I thought of with that.
Yeah, yeah, no, no, that’s really true. Because all of a sudden, something clicked for them, their mindset shifted, they started seeing the world. So they changed their perspective, they started changing their paradigm. And as a result of doing all of that, now they’re they’re like magnetic, and they’re attracting opportunities that they couldn’t attract based on where they were before. So now it’s like a massive quantum leap. Now, the thing about that is one of the things that I love to do, because I used to be one of those coaches who used to talk about baby steps and incremental growth, and think if you just keep taking action, you just keep taking action, you’ll actually see results. And that is really true, but we don’t have to do that we can actually make quantum leaps and that comes from massively raising our frequency clearing, limiting beliefs, blocks, and self sabotaging patterns that are in our subconscious mind. And following you know, the most successful entrepreneurs, Britney talk about how they have, how intuitive they are, right? How they follow that intuition. They’re constantly getting downloads and ideas, and creativity and inspiration. And when you follow it, it will literally guide you to exactly what you want to create with ease.
You know, and I think there’s so much to unpack in what you just said, because even the notion of how you talked about, you know, the most successful entrepreneurs are often getting these downloads these ideas, they’re realizing these opportunities, and they’re moving into it. You know, it’s kind of fascinating how, if you’re ever in a conversation, and again, let’s gear this towards the advisor audience here, I can think of many times over the years, talking to advisors who are looking to break through that next level of success. And there will be these words that are said that you’re like, Ooh, you’re holding yourself back. Things like, you know, well, I’m pretty comfortable where I’m at right now.
But, you know, well, you know, do I really want to manage that many more people? Well, and it’s these limiting beliefs that they’re really holding on to, that’s actually holding them back from success. Because there’s, as you know, there’s so many different paths to success. There’s so many different ways to, you know, get to the end goal. So I love that you took it in that direction. I think that’s really powerful.
Yeah, I have a I’ll tell you about a specific client, who is a wealth manager. And when she came to me, she was working, she was single mom, no dad in the picture. She has a tween and she was working 1214 hour days, total adrenal fatigue and burnt out. And she’s like, Elena, I can’t do this anymore. Her blocks had weren’t really about I mean, yes, to a certain extent, it was about her being controlling most of my clients, they’re high achievers, they are controlling. But she had some serious blocks about allowing herself to deserve the success that she wanted, literally changing the frequency to be deserving to not think she had to be absolutely perfect, or she didn’t get it. And this I see a lot with high achievers, right, there’s a level of perfection. They’re so hard on themselves when they don’t, quote unquote, get it. Right. Right. And you starting to learn that there is no right, like you said, there’s 1000 paths to success, about understanding Oh, what is the one that’s most aligned with where I am, and when we helped her clear the limiting beliefs that she had, in the way she literally I mean, she’s been doing this 20 years. And now she works like, you know, four to six hour days, she gets just as much done, she has, she’s let go of the perfectionism in her life. And she said that she’s attracted the highest level clients like these were clients she only dreamed of working with now literally are magnetized to her, the level of speaking opportunities that she’s been offered are just like, totally at a completely different level. And she said, for 20 years, she’d been banging her head against the wall to create this. And in less than three months, it was able to happen for her. And it’s like, everybody who sees her now is like, Oh, my God, you’re a completely different person. Because she’s magnetic. It’s like a pleasure to be around her, rather than the way she was before, which was a complete stressed out mess.
You know, and I think this pivots into a question that I want to make sure I ask of you, because it’s one of the things that actually piqued my, I guess, a tension or really want to make me want to look more into what you do.
You know, I think that there’s so much to be said that people often hold on to who they are or who they used to be, versus who they’re capable of becoming. And I think your example of your client that you just walked through, it sounds like that’s a lot of what she was doing. And she was holding on to this identity, this non deserving this, you know, whatever that was for her instead of leaning into your true potential. So I guess my question is, and I think this ties together, you have this process, or kind of an initial step, it’s called, I think, the holy crap inventory, task inventory, or something like that. So I want you to talk about that. Because I’m guessing it’s a little bit of realizing maybe some of the things that you shouldn’t be doing or your future self shouldn’t be doing.
Yeah, yeah. So I want to my Matt and I have to say, I mean, just give you a little, a little background on this, right. So I mentioned that when I sort of had this colossal collapse at the, you know, earlier stages of my business after creating six figures. I went back to hustling all the time. Well, there were two things that happened that really made me wake up about time. The first one is one evening I was on with my then nine year old son sitting on the couch, I of course was on my laptop, and he looked at me with these big beautiful eyes and said to me, Mom, you’re working all the time. And I went, Oh, like that’s so painful. Like I literally wanted to develop a lifestyle business so I could be with him as a single mom when he was with me. And then I also had a very High Net Worth client who was looking to work less than his business. And I felt like how can I help you work less when I can’t even help me work less? Yeah, so then I became masterful at helping collapse time, I really learned everything I could energetically as well as practically about it. And the holy crap inventory time inventory is one of those more practical skills. And what people do is they actually track every minute of their time, for seven days straight, and you start to see patterns. Now you have to be careful of the observer effect. And I’m actually going to offer your audience how to do this in a much deeper way through, you know, through a freebie that I’d like to offer. But also, what you understand is the observer effect in quantum physics, saying that thing observed will actually change just by being observed. So you’ll start to realize the patterns that you’re doing, and you may want to change it in the middle of it, don’t just go about your week the way you normally would. Because as you start to see how you spend your time, and what distractions you have, and where you’re in energetic sucks, you start to go holy crap, I can’t believe it. And usually, it’s very self corrective. Right, it’s very self corrected. But there’s another tool to use along with the holy crap inventory, which is like an energy inventory, that really helps you understand how to work with your energy throughout the day, rather than working against your energy. Because when you’re working against your energy, or when you’re in fight, flight, or freeze, aka stress, overwhelm, exhaustion, right, everything is taking, you know, two to four times more to get done, you can actually collapse time and get everything you need done in four to six hours a day.
Hmm. You know, I think that’s one of those things that, you know, thinking about the advisor journey, you know, somebody will get into the business because they want to help people, they want to add value, they want to generate wealth for themselves, they want to, you know, kind of be their own boss create this opportunity. So there’s all these reasons that advisors can into business. And a lot of times what happens is, is they don’t realize that they’re now a true business owner. And they’re now a boss. And they’re now the decision maker and so many different levels and capacities than maybe what they initially anticipated. Because, again, they get into this because they want to be helpful. So you know, one thing that I really resonated with me, as you’re talking here is your own example about how, you know, in order for you to show up and help this entrepreneur, this high level person that you’re coaching, you realize you had to level up yourself. And part of that is through this process and everything else. But, you know, I would be curious to know, you know, as you’re helping people navigate that, what are some of the biggest blocks that you’re seeing people hit? Like, what are the roadblocks, where they’re getting the most stuck, as they’re kind of navigating through this process with you to become who they need to be?
Yeah, that’s a really great question. You know, there’s so many of them, I’ll give you a more superficial one. And it’s not very superficial at all. But then I’ll dive deeper into it. Because to me, this all comes back to mindset all about shifting your mindset, right. And yeah, I have seen people with, like, fantastic strategies still, you know, get stuck in their business, because they’re the bottleneck in their business. So really, the key is for them to loosen the bottleneck up, I’m sorry, my cat’s kind of going nuts there. It’s about loosening the bottleneck in the business. So they stopped being the bottleneck. So that means, you know, they let go of control enough to be able to delegate they get the right people to support them. But one of the things that you said is key is understanding how to be an entrepreneur, not just understanding how to deliver your service, but actually understanding how to be an entrepreneur. And really, what that means is not being risk averse. Right, so entrepreneurs, you know, we’ve been raised in a society, it’s what school really does teaches us how to be safe, how to go after that paycheck, how to create income, that safe, so we stay safe, and we’ve attributed safety with money, but money doesn’t actually keep us safe. I mean, we’ve all watched the stock markets, we can lose our, you know, portfolio tomorrow, that doesn’t actually keep us safe. What keeps us safe, is the internal knowing that no matter what happens, we’re going to be okay. And absolutely no will know what to do. Right. And so when entrepreneurs when I see them getting stuck at is them believing for example, I have to work hard to succeed that the only way to succeed is hard work and it’s what keeps people working ridiculous hours all the time, and also them attaching their net worth to their self worth. Now, here’s the thing. Your net worth has absolutely nothing to do with your self worth. But your self worth has everything to do with your net worth. Right because it’s absolutely possible to create massive amounts of money for From self belief alone, but if you do that, then what happens is, it’s going to come at the sacrifice of something, it’ll come at the sacrifice of your health, your time, your relationships, it’ll always be a sacrifice of something. But when you cultivate it from a place of real love for yourself, and for what you do, then you’re able to create the same wealth, if not even more wealth, and have it all right, without having to sacrifice anything for it. That to me is sustainable success. And going to the root of that is believing that you’re worthy, you’re lovable, you deserve this level of success, it can come easy to you, you don’t have to give blood, sweat and tears to have it, all of those kinds of beliefs that I see getting in the way of entrepreneurs having it all.
Well, number one, you’re speaking our language here, you know, this is something that we definitely talk about a lot on this podcast. And really, I mean, within all of our businesses to be quite transparent. And that is this whole notion of worth. And I think this is an important button to push on here. And I’ll use myself as an example. For years, years, and up until not too terribly long ago, I found my worth in my doing. So to me, if I wasn’t busy doing something, be it you know, in my career, and one of the businesses, you know, even at home, like it was impossible for me to sit still. Because I thought if I’m still I’m not making progress, if I’m still I’m not doing all that I’m capable of. And what I found is through a lot of self work is that, you know, being still is really the catalyst for massive growth. Because without that ability to get quiet, and to really look at what you want and what you’re striving towards. It’s hard to make progress. So on this notion of of worth, because you brought up the net worth the monetary this whole kind of tie together, a lot of times advisors can find their worth in the results they’re generating, if that, if that makes sense. Makes perfect sense. Yeah. So I would love for you to talk a little bit more on you know, how you help people in their relationship with money. I know you kind of went high level there. But I think this is important. And I’ll give this one last caveat. And I’ll be quiet. But I think it’s interesting, because advisors, I mean, they’re here to help other people manage all that they’ve accumulated over the years. But what can happen is they’ll kind of lose what they need to be doing for themselves. So I just want to hear how do you help people with that relationship with money navigate their next level of success?
Yeah, I want to I want to give you an example. Because I was working with one of the top level Wealth Advisors in the country, like one of the top four, probably in the country, I would guess worth over $100 million dollars is his own net worth miserable and what he was doing, he had massive issues with wealthy people like thought they were greedy thought they were entitled, like really had massive issues, and was very, very close to retirement but wouldn’t retire because he felt like he was he was the guilt that he had for not being able to provide for his kids a certain legacy. And I’m like, based on what you’re worth, they’re good. You know what I mean? It’s like, who really needs more than that, but there were all of these money blocks, scarcity beliefs, and it’s like, okay, well, how can somebody worth that much have, like massive amounts of scarcity beliefs, but they still do. And I see that all the time, like money does not mean like what ends up happening, even billionaires have massive amounts of scarcity beliefs, because they’re afraid they’re gonna lose it, once they’ve amassed that much wealth, and they’re afraid that they have to manage it in a certain way, or else they’re gonna lose it. Right? So those are all scarcity, beliefs about not understanding Money, money is energy, money is flow, it’s currency. That’s why it’s called currency.
Because it is it is just energy. And we have put it on a pedestal in this you know, world right now, particularly in the US, we’ve put it on a pedestal about what it actually means. And when we can remove the meaning that we’ve given to it and understand that it’s, it’s about value that we’re providing and own our own value. We get to recreate our Money Story, and I’m gonna give your listeners like a little a little tip that I have my clients do, which is to think about, you’re not cheating on your spouse if you do this. But if money were your lover, what kind of relationship would you be having with money? Like, does money not stick around regularly? Does it feel like you take money for granted? And here’s the other thing, this is like a bonus point. What I’ve noticed when I do this exercise with my clients, is that it is very typically they have the same exact issues they’re having with money with their spouses, right the way that they’re feeling. Think about their their significant other relationship is the exact way that they’re relating to money. And then when you get to see how that relationship is panning out for you, you get to recreate it the way you want it. That’s a healthy, not a codependent relationship, you know, you get to recreate it in a healthy way. Hmm.
That’s a really interesting analogy. And I’ve never heard anybody explain, you know, the relationship with money as kind of a commonality to their relationship with their partner. So I think I mean, my brain started going well, how would I answer that? And then I started thinking, Wait a second, what I answered the same with myself. So that is really fascinating. And I think there is, there’s definitely this synergy between the two. So I want to pivot a little bit here. And again, this is more of a personal question. This is an Elena question. But we talk a lot about fear. And I think there’s this overarching kind of theme here to where a lot of what you’re doing is you’re helping people move through fears, absolutely. And kind of overcome them and, you know, move past and, and all those good things. So I would love to know about a time that you specifically, strategically overcame fear, you didn’t let it hold you back, you really kind of harness your power and move through it.
Yeah, I’ll give you two particular examples. Sometime in the early, I’m trying to think now was this 2020. It was 2020. And it’s like I was trying to think what year were in, okay, this was in 2020. So I had been doing like, coming up as a coach, I had been doing mindset for a really long time. And I was told by a bunch of coaches that I couldn’t just offer mindset. Now there are a whole bunch of people who are just doing mindset, but I was told I couldn’t just do it. So I was offering him a strap my brain thinks strategically to begin with. So I was a strategist, I was helping people build, you know, not build them, but understand what systems they needed, as well as doing mindset. And so it’s like kind of the three elements of really scaling. And then I will call this energy, your Higher Self, your intuition, it is the seat of your intuition where this high all knowing part of us, that I teach my clients to tap into that give you the direction, you know, that is that GPS for you and your business. And so one day, I had just done a swap session with another practitioner in this work. And my higher self said to me, you’re just need to offer this work. You can’t do anything else. And I was like, Wait, and it was like, Yeah, and I was making good money. And it was like, No, you just need to offer this work. And I was like, I don’t even know how to just offer this work and make money. Like I’m making really good money. Like how do I do that. And my higher self said to me, you have freewill, you get to make the decision, you’re either in or you’re not just declare what you are. And I went holy crap. Like, that’s intense. And I went, Okay, I’m following it, I, this is scaring the crap out of me, I don’t know how I’m going to do this. But I’m in I’m in I’m in. And within 24 hours, the way to do it came through to me. And within 48 hours, I had my first client and that particular month, I tripled my income. And it was just like I just leaned in. And I tend to do that a lot. And very recently, like, I just recently started a YouTube channel. And I’m going to this studio to record 20 videos in a day. And as I’m doing that my higher self said to me, stop, stop trying to make the work you do accessible to people speak it like you would to your clients and those that resonate with you will get it and I have to tell you like this is very vulnerable for me to say this. But growing up speaking the truth, got my butt kicked, like literally got my butt kicked. So the idea of speaking the truth is kind of really dangerous for me. And I had to do a whole bunch of clearing around that and go, Okay, I’m just gonna say it the way it comes like, I’m not going to filter it to make it more accessible for people to hear it. Those people who hear it, who it’s meant for will really resonate with it. And then I get to be more authentically me. And so those were two times where it scared the bejesus out of me. And I’m like, oh my god, am I leading in? Am I leading? And I’m like, Of course I am. Of course I am. Of course, I’m following that guidance. Because that’s how I roll. You know that that’s what I want to be doing in my life to continue to level up to my potential. And if especially in as I’m modeling it for other people, it’s like if I go first, then I’m paving the way for other people to stand in their full potential regardless of how scary it is in the moment. Because of the fear. The fear is just made up. It’s not real, you know, it’s just it’s just our subconscious mind trying to keep us safe and in surviving, like when we repeat the patterns of the past, over and over again, they may suck, we might not like them, but our subconscious mind knows okay, if you do that you’re going to survive. When you step out of your comfort zone and you start moving into a different area that you haven’t done before. It’s complete uncertainty for your subconscious mind. It doesn’t know you’re going to survive it. So it will start of sabotage to pull you right back into that comfort zone. And so for me to show people like, I am willing to get courageous or you, I’ve got to actually do that myself.
You know, the thing that keeps popping up in my head. And I want to preface this by saying that one of my coaches shared this with me, and, you know, two things here. So number one, my coach was talking, we’re talking about this platform, and I actually made the comment. You know, if I’m set to serve this particular demographic, I was feeling a little bit incongruent, because I felt like my gosh, like, This is who I know, I’m called to serve. This is the kind of my own next level growth. But I don’t feel like I’m, I’m living that yet. So very similar Elena, to what you were talking about earlier about having to force yourself to level up to serve who you’re set to serve. And like coach that Denise, she’s like, here’s the thing, Brittany, she’s like, maybe this is a good forcing function for you. She said, the person that you are best set to serve, is who you used to be. And I had this aha moment where I went, Oh, my gosh. So think about that, you know, as you’re continuing to level up as a human being, as you’re continuing to evolve, and really hone in on who your best set to serve, where’s the massive value in your life, everything that you just laid out there, it’s basically paying attention to intuitively who you need to become and who you’re set to serve. So that theme kept resonating as you’re sharing this. And the second thing that I want to point out here is, you know, Elena, I think that you’ve given so many amazing examples of the people that you’ve worked with and helped navigate through, I just want to speak to the community that’s listening right now and say that personally, like I have multiple coaches, Brian, over the years, one of our other podcast hosts and co founders, he has had multiple coaches, part of many masterminds. Draye, our other partner in this, he has many coaches, many different masterminds He’s participated in, I cannot emphasize enough the importance of having somebody like Elena in your life, to help you move through these blocks, because a lot of times to the advisor, especially this driven advisor, who’s trying to kind of break through this next level, you can feel like you’re on a lonely island. So as I’m listening, Elena, and I’m thinking about the comments that we hear from our advisor audience a lot, you’re really speaking to a lot of the pain points that they have. So I wanted to call that out. Because I think it’s so important that people realize you need other people, especially in today’s world, this is not a lone wolf venture anymore. No, you
can’t read the label from inside the jar. Right? That’s really it is. So you don’t know what you don’t know. One of the things that I will say though, I’m going to add that your client may be the person you used to be, I work with people, some of the people not not a lot of my clients aren’t, but some of the people I work with are far more successful than I am. In my business currently. And the wealth managers and financial planners that I work with, I help them work with significantly more successful people too. But it’s just about who you become you, you spoke so eloquently on that about who you become, so you can hold the space for them. So they know they can trust you, they feel safe with you, even if you are less successful than them, I actually helped my clients reach out and work with people who are even far more successful, who are ahead of them. Because ultimately, if they knew what to do with their money, they’d be doing it. Right. So the thing is, is you’ve got an area of expertise, you’ve got an area of excellence that they don’t have. And that’s why you fill the niche, they may understand how to be massively successful, you know, mega millionaires, you know, eight figure businesses, but but they ultimately don’t know what to be doing with that money to really be growing their wealth, so their wealth, their money is working for them. So they’re not always working for it. And so when I look at what people are doing, like when, when clients come to me, and they’re more successful, they’ve figured out the money piece, but they’re typically working six, seven days a week, you know, 1014 hour days, and it’s like, I just can’t do this anymore. And it’s like, yeah, you shouldn’t be, you know, I’m gonna give you a very, very quick story. A friend of mine, a good colleague, suggested I listened to this podcast and the woman on the podcast, had just celebrating that she had just reached 50 million in her business. And I listened to two different podcasts. And one of them was she was talking about how she’s not nervous when she presents because she does big presentations and things like that. And she said, I have constant anxiety. So I don’t really notice that I’m, you know, like it. I don’t notice the nervousness. And the other thing is she was doing a podcast with her CEO. And they were talking about how nobody really lasts at the company more than a year before they either burnout or they get fired. And I thought that is not a sustainable business. Like why would you? You are helping people with mindset. You are helping people grow their business, why would you create a business that gives you constant anxiety, and that you can’t retain people in Who don’t thrive in that culture, and get that even at that level, what she was thinking that she needed to do in her business. And so that’s so prevalent of what I see. So even people at that level will come to me, because I will help them have it all, I’ll be able to help them retain and even grow that $50 million business, but do it in a way that they actually create a level of inner peace in themselves. So then they’re not constantly anxious. Hmm.
I think you bring up so many wonderful points there. And I mean, that’s such a great example, too. And I want to I want to push on one thing you said, and then I want to make sure that that we talk a little bit about how people can get a hold of you, because I would be guessing they’re wondering that at this point. So you know, something you said, where you’re talking about how these people have greater success in their business than what you do, and you’re helping them along. I think there’s an important thing to point out there that, and I want to highlight it, because you touched on it, that you still have something that adds massive value to their lives. Absolutely, I wanted to pull that out and just press that button a little bit more, because I want our advisors to really hear that and hear that message and apply it to themselves. Because a lot of times we can get a little bit of impostor syndrome, I think about an advisor that’s in one of our coaching programs. He’s talking about how he’s making these huge connections with massively wealthy people, really cool people who has built relationships with and he is, you know, doing a lot of things like outside of business with them, and just growing these relationships. And that’s his focus. He’s friend first, right? Like, these are people that I actually want to spend time with. And if I end up doing business with them great. And it’s been so cool to see his evolution and see him kind of lean into the fact that he can add value to these people. And it’s a lot of the practices that you’re putting in place here, where he’s realizing like, Hey, I do have something that I can help them with. And I can lead with value. So I just wanted to push on that hot button for a minute because you kind of grazed by it. But it was so powerful and how you said it, I think was so important for people to embrace. So
yeah, and it is really true, because everybody, look, somebody is going to be more gifted in something than you are. But the reason they’re coming to you in the first place is because the gift you have the value you provide. And so when we own our own value, like imposter syndrome, I have a lot of clients who have it, impostor syndrome, the reason they have it is because they’re not owning their own value, right? Because they’re feeling like oh, and it typically is something that they’re really good at that comes easy to them so that they don’t attribute the value that it actually has in the world. Because other people it doesn’t come easy to it’s not the same way, which is why they’re coming to you in the first place. Look, if people could really clap their time and understand how to get into flow, I would be you know, there would be less relevance for me. But people don’t understand that they understand how to hustle for success, but they don’t understand how to actually get in flow for success. And have it be effortless like haven’t read. And I have had worked with mindset coaches, who will use the word and say, Oh, effortless means you love what you do. So it doesn’t feel like work. And I was like, Yeah, but if you’re still doing it 60 to 80 hour weeks, like that’s not effortless to me, I’m sorry. Like, I want to full life, I don’t want just my I love my work, my work lights me up. But there are also so many other things that light me up to that I want, including relationships with friends and loved ones, right? So so for me, it’s about a fulfilling life. And you build that from the inside out by owning your value by owning your worth by owning your gifts and talents. And then when you do it’s so easy to actually charge really, like really good money for it. As a result.
There’s, you’re just so aligned with so much of what we talk about here. And this has been such an amazing pleasure. So before I get into my last question or two, if people want to get a hold of you want to learn more about what you do, how can that happen? And I think you mentioned a freebie something you’re going to be giving away. So I’d love to hear more about that too.
Yeah, yeah. So as you can tell, I am incredibly passionate about helping people collapse time and work less. And so I recorded a four video mini course on exactly what people pay me upwards of $50,000 to learn now, it’s a condensed version of that, honestly, because I you know, that would take me hours and days to teach what I actually teach them but it’s a condensed version of exactly what people pay me for. And it has, you know, the energy audit and the holy crap time audit in it as well, as well as some other things. And people can like the best way to get into my world is actually by grabbing the freebie because I don’t really do my social media. I have my team do that. So if you contact me on social media, somebody else is going to respond to it not me but if you want to get in my world and get direct access to me, then people can go to Elena Schwartz dot Calm alainaschwartz.com forward slash time.
And we will make sure that that’s included in the show notes, just so everybody has that pasted right in front of them. I will say that is such an incredible gift, it’s one that I’m going to take a peek at to, you know, I think it’s one of those things where even if you feel you’re masterful with how you’ve arranged your schedule, and you know how you’re spending your time, and what that looks like, I think that is something that can never not be improved. So I would say that hands down, this is a very valuable piece that everybody could benefit from,
it will make it’s a game changer, it really is a game changer for you to take back your life and take time back. Because you know, for most people also, we were talking earlier on about people learning entrepreneurship. To me, one of the keys to really have a successful business and be able to scale is not just working in your business, but being able to work on your business. And if you’re always spending so much time working in your business, then you don’t get the time to work on your business. So being able to collapse time and spend even just a couple of hours a week working on your business rather than in it will make a massive difference in the amount of growth that your business has because of it.
Yeah, absolutely. So I’m going to wrap this conversation, which I think we could talk for hours on these types. Will respectable respect everybody’s time. We won’t go on for too terribly long. But I would love to know, What haven’t I asked you that I should have?
Huh? That’s a great question that I actually hadn’t. Okay, so what should you have asked me. And you know, what’s coming through right now? Is it really possible? Is it really possible like, you know, for so many people, the idea of having the business that they want for of being able to live the lifestyle they want, feels like a pipe dream, it doesn’t feel it feels like every time they get closer, it moves further away, and it’s just out of reach? And so the it feels like is it really possible and the truth is, it really is like we’re not meant to work hard. That’s when you look at nature and nature as a whole, nothing except if it’s been tampered by humans, nothing in nature works really hard for it to thrive. So we’ve been encoded with this purpose, and the way to make the purpose of success. And so we are not meant to work hard bust our butts, like give, again, give a pound of flesh, to be able to have what we want. We’re meant to live kinds of lifestyles that are joyous and fun, and really feed our souls and so it is really possible.
That’s such a wonderful answer. You know, I always like to hear what people come up with they’re so that was so beautiful. And I hope that people really take that to heart and lean into the possibility that is so Alina, it’s been a great pleasure. Again, we’ll make sure that that link to your time offer is readily available in the show notes. It has been so fun having this conversation and I think it’d be fun to have you back sometime too.
Oh, absolutely. Loved it, Brittany, so much fun. Thank you so much for having me.
Awesome. Well, that wraps up today’s episode of The Ultimate advisor podcast. We will be right back here with you in the next episode.
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