Episode 265 – What have you been missing? – YouTube Marketing Insider Secrets From The Expert, Andrew Murdoch

Jul 3, 2024

In this eye-opening episode, YouTube Marketing expert, and the Founder of YT Era, Andrew Murdoch, reveals game-changing strategies for advisors looking to expand their reach and influence. Learn how to create compelling content, optimize your videos for maximum impact, and turn viewers into valuable leads.

From crafting the perfect thumbnail to leveraging YouTube’s algorithm, Andrew shares insider tips that will revolutionize your digital presence. Whether you’re a YouTube novice or looking to supercharge your existing channel, this episode is packed with actionable insights to help you stand out in the crowded financial advice landscape.

Episode Transcription

This is the Ultimate Advisor Podcast, the podcast for financial advisors who want to create a thriving, successful and scalable practice. Each week, we’ll uncover the ways that you can improve your referrals, your team, your marketing, and your business operations, helping you to level up your advising practice, bring in more assets and create the advising practice that you’ve dreamed of. You’ll be joined by our hosts, Bryan Sweet, who is moving fast towards a billion dollars in assets under management, Brittany Anderson, the driving force for advisors looking to improve their operations and company culture, and Draye Redfern who can help you systematize and automate your practices marketing to effortlessly attract new clients. So what do you say? Let’s jump into another amazing episode of The Ultimate Advisor Podcast.

Bryan Sweet 1:07

Welcome back to The Ultimate Advisor Podcast. I am just so excited today because we get to talk about marketing. And that’s one of my favorite topics. And we have with us today Andrew Murdoch who is a YouTube marketing expert. And I met Andrew at Genius Network a while back and I just found one himself very fascinating. And he’ll maybe tell you a little bit about his digital nomad lifestyle. But he’s just such a guru in all things, YouTube and how to make your marketing so much more effective and efficient that I felt we had to bring him onto our podcast and share all his magic with us. And one of the other nice things about Andrew is he is going to be one of our primary main platform speakers at our upcoming elite Wealth Advisors symposium next February. So we’re excited to have him not only on the podcast, but also at at EWAS. So welcome to the podcast, Andrew, so excited to have you here.

Andrew Murdoch 2:15

Thanks for having me, Bryan, I can’t wait to get started. Where do you want me to start?

Bryan 2:17

Well, I think you know, you’ve got kind of an interesting story. So maybe tell us a little bit about your story and how you got started. And then we’ll just go from there.

Andrew 2:27

Yeah, my origin story. So I’m going to keep this tight because I want to make sure we can add value to the viewer and the listener as soon as possible. But I found myself at what can only be described as at rock bottom, approximately five and a half years ago, I had to escape a very toxic relationship. And I had to end a marriage and I never in a million years thought I was that guy to end a marriage. But sometimes life throws you curveballs and you need to you’re either gonna fight flight or freeze alright, and I chose to fight I chose to fight for my independence and my freedom and to achieve the goals that I’ve laid out for myself. And one day I found myself sleeping on an air mattress, swimming in a pool of debt and absolutely convinced that I was the world’s biggest loser. And I can still picture that really sad environments, at the bedroom and everywhere, everything about that environment. And it it definitely bothers me every single time but I’m proud to say that I clawed myself out and there were really only two, I can boil it down to two things that helped me turn my life around and one of those two things was getting addicted to YouTube content even though I didn’t have any prospects and I was convinced I was the world’s biggest loser. I found some amazing business owners professionals entrepreneurs who had the wherewithal to hit the record button and to grow their influence their reach their their authority through their YouTube channel and even though I didn’t have two pennies to rub together at that time in my life I was still able to learn from these fantastic people because I watched their YouTube videos for free now even though they were free from me they were still adding value to the content creator the professional the expert because they were getting clicks and views and watch time and subscribers and all of that does actually translate to their success and the the professionals goal goals that they’ve laid out for themselves so after binge watching countless YouTube videos and getting addicted to certain YouTube channels I was able to get my finances right I was able to get my health and fitness right more importantly I was able to get my mindset right because as you can probably imagine I wasn’t speaking very kindly to myself in those days and so let’s fast forward to today and now I am the founder of a YouTube marketing company that offers a done for you solution a done for you solution simply because I want to help more Andrew Murdock for where I was five and a half years ago because I know where I was five and a half years ago. There’s probably numerous countless people out there that are struggling in life and all they need is that spark that leading Domino and for me, I found the leading Domino, were YouTube video. So now the danger is obviously, someone who’s looking to achieve something in their life there, they, you can get into kind of a passive form of learning, when you just watching YouTube video after YouTube video after YouTube video without doing anything, and I want to caution you, the viewer, you the listener, that you don’t get stuck in that same trap. At the end of the day, when you see the path carved out in front of you, because the successful person that is achieved where you want to go, they’re going to light that fire, they’re gonna, that’s the leading Domino, then you actually have to get off your butt and do something with your life, right? Because otherwise, I’d still be watching YouTube videos like I was five and a half years ago now

Bryan 5:32

fascinating, you know, so kudos to you not only have you become, you know, one of the industry experts in YouTube marketing, but just your ability to, you know, make all these changes, and the change in your mindset to help you become so successful, is really motivating to be and I think it shows other people and advisors that literally, you know, wherever you’re at today, you can excel and get to any other place that you want to get. So I think just that side message is so helpful, Andrew, so thank you for being so vulnerable there and telling that story. You know, most advisors probably don’t do anything with video, or if they do it, they don’t probably do it to as good of an extent where they can have some, you know, amazing impact on how they educate clients, how they market to clients, how they can attract more clients. And so maybe talk a little bit about, you know, strategies or tactics that advisors should be thinking about, or, you know, why even bother with YouTube? Because I think it’s fascinating some of the statistics that you shared with me about, you know, if you do it, and you do it the way that works, it’s, it’s amazing what, what you can accomplish.

Andrew 6:54

Yeah, absolutely. You said one word there that really stood out to me. And that’s scary. It is, it is scary. And the truth is, and these numbers don’t lie that some of this, you’re right, some of the statistics out there, just nothing but short of like exceptional and mind blowing. YouTube is the second largest search engine on the planet, right behind Google, right. And Google and YouTube are both owned by alphabet. So the there’s a strong data correlation between the two platforms, you search on Google, but you learn on YouTube, the the old marketing 101 adage is fish where the fish are, right. And if you are making content around creating wealth, or getting out of debt, then I, I can’t even begin to describe to you in enough words, that you need to have a presence on YouTube, because on any given day, people in your city in your state in your country are going on to the YouTube platform. And they’re typing in search queries in the YouTube search bar, how to generate wealth, how to make money online, how to pay off my debt, how to pay for my kids education, how to create generational wealth, like how to, and then insert the wealth related topic, right? Every single day, this happens number two search engine on the planet. Number one video platform on the planet 720,000 hours of content are being uploaded to YouTube every single day. But here’s the shocking thing, only one, only 10% of those videos that are being uploaded to the platform ever achieve 1000 views and only four and a half percent of the YouTube channels out there ever reach a 10,000 subscribers. So how do we how do we get around that? How do we actually create good content that people will resonate with? And that’s what we’re going to talk about, right? So what we’re going to talk about here to remove that scary feeling to remove that fear is to focus on that one viewer when you’re making a YouTube video. Don’t say anything like you guys, some of you might be thinking many of you might be worried about No, no, no, because as soon as you say things like that you’re severing the connection with the viewer. I’m not you guys. I’m Andrew. I mean, and as soon as you start talking to the viewers, you’ve now severed that connection. And maybe most viewers aren’t even going to notice it. But as a YouTube expert, I’m very sensitive to these kinds of things. Because at the end of the day, YouTube is an experiential platform. It’s a C word, it’s connection, you want to develop a relationship, develop a connection with the viewer, so that by the end of that video, the viewer is thinking, Geez, how did Brian know that this is what I’ve been struggling with in my life. And because Brian, you have been doing this for many years, you know what people are struggling with financially, this is actually a very popular public speaking trick as well, that you when you’re giving a presentation or speaking to a camera, you’re speaking to one person, maybe we don’t want to maybe you don’t want to publicly share who that favorite client is you want to hurt anyone’s feelings, but you want to picture that favorite client and if you have a hard time doing that, grab a picture of that favorite client or a loved one and put it pretty close to the lens of the camera that you’re speaking to and really compel yourself. convince yourself that you are speaking to that one person and you know that through your advice, your coaching that one person can completely change the trajectory of their entire lives. Because every single time you make a YouTube video that viewer is saying yes to you and the viewer is saying no to everything else in their lives. Think about that. Let’s respect that attention. Because we’re talking about the attention game here, we’re talking about the leading domino that leads to the viewer being converted into a lead because they entered your funnel. The truth is your entire funnel immediately improves its effectiveness. If your your traffic your your discovery, your content program is optimized, there’s another concept that I want to quickly share as well. It’s called implicit egotism. And this is a hypothesis that all human beings are affected by as a human being, you are unconscious, you have an unconscious preference of things that you associate with yourself, okay, ourselves. So what does that mean? Well, just the fact that you’re gonna hit the record button and create content around wealth creation, you are naturally and organically going to attract people that are looking to improve their financial status, boom, done. But here’s the beautiful thing. Brian, how many financial advisors would you say you have in your community? ballpark?

Bryan 10:53

Well over 1000 Okay, so

Andrew 10:55

let’s just call it 1000. And if I was talking to all 1000 members right now, and I asked all 1000 members to make a YouTube video with the exact same title, no, two of those videos would be the same. And that’s the beautiful thing too, right. Implicit egotism means that the viewer might be attracted to you when you made a video. But if I made the exact same video, maybe they wouldn’t click, maybe they wouldn’t watch because for whatever reason, they they resonate with Brian sweet, they don’t resonate with Andrew Murdock. And that’s the beautiful thing about being human. And I think that’s something to celebrate, and to acknowledge and to nurture. Because let’s be honest, we all live in a world right now that’s quickly growing in population of AI and robots. So anything that celebrates us being human, that’s fantastic, as soon as we started this interview, and as soon as I walk on stage at your event, Within moments, the viewers and listeners will immediately make a human level decision whether like me or not, that’s perfectly okay. So implicit egotism means you’re a human being, you have everything you possibly need to hit the record button. So I like to talk about these these elements when I’m coaching my clients, because we’ve all been there, we all have that sense of fear, anxiety, being judged, putting ourselves out there, but I would leave, I would leave this topic on this one question What happened to all of those ideal prospective client that you could have impacted what happens to them if you don’t hit the record, but that scares the bejesus out of me. And that’s why I do what I do. Because I know the more financial advisors in businesses and professionals that I help through them creating active evergreen YouTube program, then they’re going to impact that many more lives. You know,

Bryan 12:23

I think that’s really interesting, because there’s no one that doesn’t have any, I mean, there’s, everyone can speak one on one with somebody. And so that kind of takes the fear away, if you really think about, oh, here, here’s a particular person I really enjoy or I work well with, and if you’re speaking directly to them, then that scariness, you know, shouldn’t go away. And I think maybe another thing that people think is true, and I think you will help us understand that that’s not true is, gee, you gotta have like, all this expensive equipment and, and all of, you know, acoustics and microphones and you know, everything that you know, goes in, it gets very expensive to be able to do these YouTube videos, and maybe share on your experience. I’m really what it takes to, you know, get your audience enticed.

Andrew 13:19

I love that question, Brian, because at the last conference that I spoke at, that was also an event for financial advisors, I sent out a survey ahead of time and the number one reason why those financial advisors just said that they didn’t have a YouTube channel was because they didn’t have or know how to use the right equipment. So I love this subject. Let’s dive in the, what we’re talking about here is production quality content quality is all the information coming out of your mouth production quality, is how the viewer is accepting that information. Right? And, and you touched on a couple of the components there. Let’s go through this at one at a time, I actually have them divided into five different categories. Number one, I don’t care if your budget is $10 or $10,000. This is the order you want to take these elements in an order of priority. So if you’re listening to this or watching this interview right now, and you’re taking notes, these are writer downers number one the most important aspect is audio we have to be able to hear you the viewer has to understand what you’re saying. And the perfect example of why I need to share this as the number one most important priority is because we’ve all seen those videos where someone was at an event and they were trying to record the speaker on the stage or the band playing music on stage. But the person with the camera is just a little too far from the those electronic speakers or too far from the stage. So the viewer now can’t even understand what the person on stage is saying. Guess what? If you want it to release that video onto YouTube, that viewer isn’t going to stick around that viewer is leaving because it’s such a negative experience. And so what did you just do you just told you a YouTube YouTube doesn’t know if your content is good or not. Okay, YouTube is measuring engagement signals with positive and negative and if YouTube sees a lot of viewers leaving your video within that first five or 10 seconds you YouTube’s gonna say this content isn’t very good. Look at all these people leaving in the first 10 seconds. Well, now YouTube’s not going to serve your content, because it’s trying to keep people on the platform as long as possible. So number one is audio. The beautiful thing is every one of us in 2024, at the time of this recording, has a film studio in our pockets. If you’re using your cell phone, your smartphone to record videos, as long as that phone is within arm’s distance, then the microphone on that phone is strong enough to pick up your voice. Now if you’re going to be outside or on location, or you’re worried about some background noise, guess what, I got some great news for you, you can go to Amazon and you can invest in what’s called a lapel mic, a lavalier mic can pick one up for 10 bucks clips on your shirt, or you can hold it in your hand, I don’t care. As long as the viewer is able to hear you clearly, then you can go from there. Now if you have more of a budget, of course, you can start looking at much more fancy podcast style mic, but it’s it’s not required. As long as you follow those other best practices around being close enough to the microphone, the source that’s actually kept capturing your voice. So now if number one is audio number two is lighting. Everyone thinks his camera but number two is actually lighting. 10 years ago people would kill to have such an amazing camera on their phone on their on their mobile device. Right? The truth is, most cameras on most phones are amazing. And as long as you’re well lit, then you’re fine. Now, for viewers who are watching this interview right now, I have set up my workstation at in my current location where I have windows on the right of me and I have windows on the left him if I had messed up I would have had the windows behind me cameras do a fantastic I’m sorry, a terrible job of focusing on the subject. If there’s a strong light source or a window behind you right now, I can’t see anything in your office there, Brian outside of the frame. But I can tell you have a window on one side of you, don’t you so I congratulate you, you’re doing things the right way. Because if you had a window behind you, it’d be a lot harder for me to focus on your face and to see your expression. And at the end of the day, it’s all about connection connecting with the viewer right now number three is finally camera. And again, the camera on your phone is more than sufficient for your purposes, if you’re focusing on talking head style videos, much like a podcast interview that we’re creating for you right now. Okay, so now if you do have more of a budget, and you wanted to invest a little bit more, you could get something called a DSLR or mirrorless camera and up until recently, I always use a DSLR camera as my webcam. Not anymore, I use what’s called a DJI pocket three, it’s called a DJI pocket three, it’s fantastic. I’m using it right now. It’s a lot more streamlined, a lot more gear and headaches that I have to travel with. It’s my daily webcam and I use it for content creation as well. So fantastic camera packs a powerful punch, punch in a really small package. Alright, so number one, audio number two lighting number three, camera. Number four. I actually like paying a little bit attention to background. Now why do I pay attention to the background, I like to make sure that there’s not a lot of clutter behind my background or behind my my clients background. And if they have no I’m a digital nomad, I do a lot of traveling. So I can’t always have an optimized background. But I like to advise my clients who have their workstation setup in their in their workstation is almost always there. Also their content creation station, we try to put a little bit of effort into the background. And if you have a really nice camera with a nice lens, it will actually blur out the background kind of like mine is right now you’ll notice that the camera is focused on my face in the background and has this nice little blur. Why does that work really nicely because it mimics how the human eye works in real life. Brian, if you and I were in the exact same room right now and you’re having we’re having this exact same conversation, your eyes would be focused on my face, and everything in the background and your peripheral vision would be slightly blurry. So when we’re mimicking how the human eye actually works, it creates a much more warm and welcoming experience. There’s that word again experience. Now why do I say that because the number one device that’s growing in terms of adoption on YouTube right now is actually the Smart TV where do people hang their smart TVs living room bedroom. So when you’re watching that when your viewer is watching your content, you’re essentially a guest in their home and if you want them to have a positive experience, and welcome you into their living room into their bedroom again a second time than paying a little bit of tension, being a little proactive with the background so that it’s clean and not cluttered. And hopefully you don’t have a wall right behind you. A lot of financial advisors do make this mistake where they have a wall right behind it creates a really tight and confined feeling space on the viewers much like yourself you might have your if you’re an author, if you have a book you have some put some books behind you that adds to your credibility or authority in your given subject matter. Alright, so number four was background. Number five, the last and least important in my view stability, pick yourself up a tripod for your camera, your mic, your lighting, any any equipment they’re using, so you’re not relying on a stack of books, but ultimately, at the end of the day, it’s not about it’s not so much about production quality, and less and less and I but I want to insert a caveat here unless that is the kind of viewer you want to attract because it’s always about the viewer content quality is what comes out of your mouth production quality is how the viewer is actually interpreting that information and how the viewer actually hears and understands you sometimes a content creator or a professional like a financial adviser doesn’t have the confidence to hit the record button until all of those elements are set up and up. where people don’t really care, they just grab their phone, and maybe they’re walking down the beach or something, and they hit the record button. And they and they start adding value to the viewer, because maybe they’re thinking about a client meeting, excuse me that they had yesterday. And they thought, You know what, this client has a really valid concern, this would actually make a really good YouTube video. And by the way, that’s a really great idea on on video subject ideas, if you want to talk about that little bit later on to this is really quick heads up. Anytime you hear the same pain points coming up for you over and over again, anytime you find yourself answering the exact same question over and over again, with your clients. That’s that’s the university you a big red flag that you should make a video on that because if you keep hearing the same questions over and over again, then make a video on it because other people are probably going into YouTube typing into the search bar. And one of the beautiful things about YouTube that we haven’t even touched on yet, is that it’s not only the number one video platform on the planet, it’s actually the number one video, excuse me, the number one cloning platform on the planet, because every single time you hit the record button, you’re effectively cloning yourself, you’re closing you’re cloning your business cloning your brand, because now that video, that clone is now working for you 24/7 365 while you’re on vacation while you’re sleeping, while you’re eating dinner with your family, that those videos, those YouTube videos are out there hunting, looking for your prospective clients looking for your leads, and because how YouTube is designed, and it does this better than anything else on the planet, about putting the perfect video in front of the perfect person at the perfect time and and the more you understand how to optimize your content. And we can go a little bit deeper on this to optimizing that content, the easier job you’re giving to to YouTube, right, the better you package the content, the better you entice the viewer to stick around. And the better, the better job you do and compelling the viewer to come back and consuming more one of your videos. If you do those three things, it’s very simple. I call it the viewers formula. Step one, get the viewer step two, keep the viewers step three, get that viewer back. If you successfully initiate and execute that three step formula, then your content is going to do a fantastic job. And you’ll have successfully cloned yourself, those clones are now working that much harder for you. They’re not going to be lazy, Clint,

Bryan 21:57

I found that fascinating as that’s one of the things that I hear from other advisors as to why they don’t do YouTube is, well what would I talk about? And so I think you address that well is what problems do you hear? And how can you help solve them is is really a kind of a simple answer. And I think another and if you had something to add to that, please do but maybe a second part to that is I think advisors in general want to do all these things, and they want to get their message out. But a lot of times, they just don’t know all the steps to take, you know the order to do it in all the different pieces. And so I find what you do, like, you know, you kind of basically do everything that you would need to get from start to finish to get from no success to successful. So maybe talk a little bit about all of the different pieces that you actually do for people. So they get a full idea of the scope of you know, what’s involved when they hire a firm like us to help them build their YouTube presence. Yeah,

Andrew 23:09

fantastic. And like you said, I’ll go back and I’ll tie it a land the plane on what to talk about on video, and then we can discuss that for sure. So the, the one tip that I gave you, the financial advisor listening to this interview right now i’re having with your clients. Because that is a very clear indicator on the kind of video content that you want to be discussing. Alright, so that’s, and that’s fantastic. Always pay very close attention to what your clients are saying to you and asking you. But another great tip is something called the autocomplete, dropdown box, the drop down menu, you can go into Google, but I would prefer if you did this with YouTube, obviously, if you’re making content for YouTube, let’s let’s use the platform to do our actual research or recon and, and research. When you go into YouTube, the YouTube search bar, you can type in any subject. So in our case, maybe you’re going to type in something like how to create wealth, how to build wealth, how to pay off debts, how to invest in my next investment property, just type in a query like that something that you were familiar with something that you’re an expert in, and something that you want to make content on. As soon as you type in that query, you’re gonna see an autocomplete list of options that are going to drop down, start at the top, work your way down, almost every single one of those items could probably be a standalone video, you could just make a list and go, Ah, I gotta record, I got now a list of five videos that I need to record because YouTube is now telling you what people are actually actively searching in the search bar, right? And that’s fine. If you’re launching a brand new YouTube channel, or maybe let’s be honest, we’ve all had YouTube channels that have kind of plateaued and you’re trying to bring some new life to it, then it would be a really good idea to create some content that’s optimized for search. So if you already have an active YouTube program, you can do this yourself. Read the comments, read the comments and look for patterns. Now, if you’re saying Andrew, I don’t have a YouTube channel yet. That’s fine. Lucky you. You’re a financial advisor. You’re in the financial services and financial education space. There’s no lack that’s where I’m like there’s no lack of financial education, YouTube channels now are there. So you can go to any of successful examples. It could be a direct competitor of yours or simply just another YouTuber financial experts that is building a very similar audience to the one that you’re trying to attract, go through their most recent uploads and go through their most popular uploads and read through the code. You don’t even have to watch the video, just read the comment and look for pattern look for certain words and language that pop up over and over again, look for certain pain points that pop up over and over again, in terms of what are the steps and specifically what we actually do for our clients. It refers to that viewers journey that I hinted at earlier. But let’s go into a little bit more detail because I certainly don’t want to be found guilty of causing any confusion here. Step one is get the viewer step two is keep the viewer step three is get that viewer back. Now financial advisors and financial education as a whole are pretty bad at this. I’ll be honest, they’re pretty bad at this. There’s some really fantastic financial educators on YouTube that are just killing it, though. These people are financial experts and educators but they’re also really great YouTube marketers, right they understand the value of packaging. So we already talked talked about the topic, it’s and this is step one, get the viewer topic title, thumbnail, I don’t care if you have the world’s best thumbnail and title. If you’ve picked a boring topic that no one’s going to click on, it’s going to fail. Your video is going to be a waste of time, thumbnail and title let’s talk about that to reinforce that topic. Because if we don’t use the thumbnail, or if you don’t use an optimized thumbnail, it’s going to be that much harder to to get someone to click on your video I actually know of YouTubers and know some YouTube that spend more time money and effort creating the video packaging, then they do creating the entire video itself. And it makes sense because if you can’t convince someone to click on your video, and what’s the point of spending all that time creating the video in the first place, you can’t get to steps two and three, if you don’t figure it step one. So let’s figure out the video packaging. And let’s actually get you the results that you’re after because your time is valuable. So there’s some really simple rules that we can follow. And if you’re new to the YouTube discussion, let me just quickly define some of these terms. A thumbnail is a graphic an image that represents the content contained inside of the channel, right and or excuse me, inside of the inside of the YouTube video. There’s some rules around thumbnails, right? It’s got to be relevant, that whatever’s in the thumbnail has to actually be delivered upon in the video, right. So if the video packaging is a promise, then the video took that first 1020 30 seconds needs to support that promise because the viewer doesn’t want to feel tricked. If there’s a pink elephant in the thumbnail, there better be a damn good reason why that pink elephant is in the thumbnail. And I better understand that in the first 1015 20 seconds. Otherwise, I’m going to feel like I’ve been tricked. And I’m going to leave because now you just provided a negative experience for the viewer. And what we hinted at this earlier, if a lot of viewers leave your video in the first 1020 seconds, YouTube is convinced is bad content, it doesn’t know if your content is good or not. It’s just measuring what the viewers are doing. And then based on that it will decide to serve your video to a lot more people just like these perfect viewers that you’re trying to attract. Or it’s gonna hide and vary your video, because it doesn’t want to lose people on the platform. It’s concerned by keep by keeping people on the platform. So the thumbnail has to be relevant. Number two, it’s got to be simple. The human brain is about two to 3% of our entire bodies. But it requires 25% of our energy output is a total pig to total hog. And because it uses so much of our energy constantly looking for ways to cut corners and streamline things and conserve right. So we don’t want to confuse the viewer. The human mind has evolved for one word, it’s called survival. We’re always on the lookout for Danger, danger, danger, right? So if you have a danger, thumbnail, congratulations, you’ve dramatically increases the chance of getting attention. And if you pair that negative thumbnail with a positive title, so let’s say the thumbnail has a bunch of burning cash and the title is something to the effect of never, never make these beginner mistakes or grow your generational wealth. And then in brackets the real way, you know something positive something reinforcing. When you have a negative thumbnail and a positive title. Now we’ve successfully dialed that curiosity factor up to 11 you’re much more likely to get the click we’ve we’ve deployed this strategy ourselves on our clients channels, and it works exceptionally well. And I’m not saying it’s gonna work every single time. Because there’s the old saying is there are no good marketers. There’s only good testers, you can flip the script to a positive thumbnail and a negative title and see if it works any better. Right? So that and the titles, titles follow the exact same rules got to be relevant. It’s got to be simple. It’s got to grab attention, right. So that’s step one, get the viewer should I pause there, Brian, are you want me to move on to step two?

Bryan 29:07

No, keep going. Yes. 

Andrew 29:18

think this is great, great stuff. Now this viewer is saying yes to you and no to everything else in their life. They’re not hanging out with their friends and family. They’re not watching Netflix, they’re not watching someone else’s YouTube video. They’re not reading a book, you’re watching your video. So let’s respect that. Now we can divide this second step, keep the viewer we want to keep that viewer all the way until the very end. We can divide this into two sides of the same coin. One is content quality, the other is production quality. Let’s hone in on content quality for right now. I really believe in putting yourself into a peak state. If you’re a very busy professional, then you will see value in batch creation. Let’s say you block off an afternoon a week or maybe one entire day a month for content creation Good on you because that’s a really efficient way to Create content and you or your assistant or a team member prepares the list of topics that you need to cover in your video, do yourself a favor, put yourself into a peak state. And it’s different for everybody, you can drop to the floor and do some push ups, you can take the dog for a walk and get some fresh air, you can kiss your spouse, you can play with your kid, you can put on some music and dance around the house like a freak, you can do whatever you want to put yourself in a peak, upstate, the camera will pick it up, and so will the viewer. And I hate to say it, but you are talking about wealth creation, financial advice, and I wish more people would get excited like me about money. But unfortunately, there are plenty of people in the world that would rather watch paint dry or grass grow. Right. And Brian, you’re nodding your head, because you’ve been there too. You’ve had those conversations. It’s like, like twisting, twisting someone’s arm trying to get them to talk about how they can create generational wealth for their loved ones, right? It’s unfortunate, but that’s how the world works, right? Because people want to be informed, but people also want to be entertained, right. And if you’re speaking with passion, because you’re in a peak state, people are much more likely to pay attention to what you have to say the old saying, we’ve all heard the same before. People don’t remember what you said, they remember how you made them feel when you said it, getting yourself into a peak state, that’s a really great way to improve your content quality with multiple forms of communication, right. And I find it interesting that so there are two ways to call this the cone of learning or the pyramid of learning. Edgar was named Edgar something from 1946, he developed this learning cone or this cone of learning. And at the very top of that pyramid at 10%, with the lowest retention, written texts, written texts, so if you’re planning on building your influence your reach your authority, by by only written blogs, YouTube has been the number one form of content consumed for years, and there’s no data that indicates that that’s going to change anytime soon. Unfortunately, if you’re relying solely on written form, written form medium, your total addressable market is decreasing by the day. And I mean that YouTube is where it’s at. Because now you’re able to influence someone in an audio way, in a visual way. And now you’re going to become more memorable to that person. You can still do videos on Twitter and x or x. And you can still do videos on LinkedIn as well. Video is where it’s at. Because now there’s facial expressions. There’s vocal tonality, there’s, there’s volume, there’s charisma, there’s energy, there’s all of that information flooding through the lens with the old saying, there’s a picture’s worth 1000 words. Well, what’s a video is a video 1000 pictures if you really want to make an impact and change lives. I don’t know how you can do that without including video content. Alright, so that’s content quality. Now, congratulations, you have now successfully convert compelled to get a viewer to click on your video and stick around to the very end of the video. Because you gave some thought to production quality, you gave some thought to content quality. What are we going to do at the end? Well, there’s only two CTAs two calls to action that matter. One for YouTube, one for you for your business, okay? I don’t want you ending a video with hey, don’t forget to smash that like button subscribe to my channel, comment below share the video with a friend click that bell icon marketing 101 never asked the end prospect to do a bajillion things. Never end the video with me saying something like thanks for watching because that is kryptonite. If you say the content creator says thanks for watching. That’s not what the viewer here the viewer hears I can leave now that is kryptonite to attention again, it’s all about attention and awareness. So what how do we end the video? Now Brian, were you at the recent Genius Network annual event this past December? I was yes. The very first speaker at the last December 2023 event was Dr. Mark Yan, who wrote a fantastic book called hypnotizing and he shared with also an amazing book he shares the importance of the word because and they’ve done studies on this they’ve they’ve discovered that when you are trying to influence someone anyone to do anything, if you insert the word because followed by a reason here’s the interesting thing the reason you include after the word because doesn’t actually matter doesn’t actually matter. It doesn’t have to be relevant but the chance but the your ability to influence the end person to do what you want them to do dramatically increases it goes the direction that you want it to go so how are we gonna in the end the video you might say something like this, you might say hey, now that you know ABC watch this video next because XYZ give me a specific CTA don’t give me a lazy CTA say, Hey, watch this next because you know what, as your viewer, a busy person, right? Give me a strong compelling reason to stick around and ask yourself logically. Okay, after I make video on ABC, what would they want to watch next? Ah, I made a video on XYZ. I’m going to promote this one. Okay, so that one CTA that’s for YouTube, because YouTube wants you to keep people on the platform as long as possible. And if you can compel compel the viewer to stick around and watch more of your videos in a single session, that’s going to trigger something very, very powerful if 70% of the views globally come from the to recommendation algorithm one is browse in 95% of the Browse traffic is your homepage and they’re all overseen by the AI the YouTube AI K search is an algorithm browser and algorithm suggested is an algorithm what’s suggested if you’re watching YouTube video on a desktop, computer or laptop, all link to those videos been suggested to you on the right hand column. That’s a direct result from the suggested algorithm. And if you’re on mobile, they’re all the videos beneath the video that you’re watching. And be honest, this might be you right now listening and watching this video, you might be listening to my voice, but you’re actually scrolling all the videos being suggested to you. And that’s just a column, you’re looking for a reason to leave. And that’s normal. We all do it, viewers are constantly looking for a reason to leave the video that they’re currently watching, because there’s nothing more valuable than your time and attention. So if 70% of the views come from browse and suggested, how do we compel and convince YouTube to put your video into that prime real estate by doing exactly what I just taught you by compelling the viewer to watch more than one video in a single session. And now, you my friend had just created a situation where you could get potentially unlimited free traffic, that’s free traffic, you’re not paying YouTube ads, you’re not paying LinkedIn ads, you’re not paying Facebook ads there. What does that mean for the ROI infinite and infinite ROI? Because there is no ceiling? Because all of these platforms if you’re doing paid, no, I’m not. I’m not bashing paid, there’s a time in place. We don’t have time to get into it. But there’s a time and place for paid. But all of these platforms are going to take your money, whether your content is good or not. They’ll take your money. If you have a budget for paid, they’ll take you’ll be happy to pay your money. Are you gonna get results? Just like organic. There’s a right way to do paid and wrong way to do paid just like it is for organic. So I said that was one CTA What’s the second seat that CTA is for YouTube? What’s the second CTA I highly recommend highly as a professional, you need to have a lead magnet, something of value, something that solves a specific pain points, something that you can give for free in exchange for your prospects name and email address. So if you’re going to end the video asking the person to watch this video next, because blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, also tell them get this free training at blah, blah, blah, hopefully it’s a domain that is easy to spell easy to remember, shorter, the better, because you’re going to want to include that as links and visually on the on the video even better, right? Because now there’s multiple ways where you’re communicating to the end viewer there to go to blah, blah blah.com so that they can enter their email address and download the free whatever. Okay, because now you’ve convinced you’ve successfully convinced the viewer to convert into a lead. And when you have their email address, let me tell you, there’s no excuse me, there’s no to more powerful assets for any business, any financial adviser than having an active evergreen YouTube channel for traffic and discovery and having a active and growing email list to read to nurture, and retarget and eventually sell to an unethical way, obviously. Okay, so those are the two CTAs you want to end a video with, watch this next because and download my free blah, blah, blah, to get access to your free resources. I actually like like having an exclusive video training. Because when you attract traffic from YouTube, what did we just learn from them, they prefer to consume content in video form, I’m sorry, but I’m not a fan of offering a free eBook, a free cheat sheet, a free report a free white paper, I mean, you can do that. And again, a good marketer will always say test so you can certainly test those lead magnets. But if we’re being honest, if you’re attracting this traffic from YouTube, they they’re gonna want to prefer to consume more content from you in video form. I just threw a lot at you, Brian? Well,

Bryan 38:09

I tell you, this is such a fascinating topic. And we could probably talk for the next three, four hours and you know, keep disseminating great information. But for our audience to learn more, and how, how maybe you can provide some of the services to them to make, you know, being becoming a YouTube expert, easy. What’s the best way to touch base? And I think you also have some platform or a free community that that you probably should chat with, because I think that would be really helpful for people. Yeah,

Andrew 38:42

people want to connect, very easy to find me on LinkedIn, my tag, my handle across all the social media platforms is Mr. Andrew murdock.mr, Andrew Murdock, because I couldn’t get to Andrew Murdock like to see someone’s face and their their real name. And so LinkedIn is probably your best bet to connect with if you want to say hi. And then yes, we are building a free 100% Free Community at EY T for free.com. I’m sure there’s going to be a link below that you can click through that that community will always be free will probably eventually launch some paid communities as well where I can be more active. But the free community is going to be a fantastic place to research as well. We’re in pre launch right now, depending on when you release this episode, we might actually finally be left. 

Bryan 39:22

That’s fantastic. And I can’t tell the audience enough about all the great things that Andrew can deliver. So if you’ve ever had some interest in, you know, learning more about how to develop a YouTube channel or just want some help getting it off the ground, Andrew would be a great resource. So unfortunately, our time is just flown by here, Andrew. So I certainly appreciate you being on the platform today. It’s just been a wealth of information. I you know, I thought I knew quite a bit about YouTube and once again, I learned an amazing amount of things, especially on the content sight, it was really helpful. So, but I wanted to thank you for being here. And I hope people contact you and learn more, because it’s a fascinating way and it is the way of the future for people to get to get more exposure and people are loving video.

Andrew 40:17

Hell yeah. Thanks so much for having Brian and well, you’ll have to certainly reconnect with me, because I would love to help you with this episode on your YouTube channel.

Bryan 40:27

I appreciate that very much, Andrew. And we will do that. And thank you all for listening in and we will see you right back here on the next Ultimate advisor podcast.

Brittany 40:38

So that rounds out today’s episode of The Ultimate Advisor Podcast. We’re gonna catch you right back here next week. Hey there, Brittany Anderson here. If you are loving what you’re hearing on our ultimate advisor podcast, don’t keep us a secret. Share us with other advisors that you think would benefit from the messages that you are hearing. The easiest way to do that is to simply send them to ultimate advisor podcast.com. And if you want to learn a few other ways that we could potentially serve you as an advisor, go check out ultimateadvisormastermind.com. As always, we are so happy to have you here with us as part of the ultimate advisor community and we look forward to a continued relationship.