Episode 244 – Inside Tax Strategies with Tom Wheelwright

Jan 10, 2024

Welcome back to the Ultimate Advisor Podcast!

Join us in this insightful episode as she engages in a conversation with Tom Wheelwright, a seasoned tax expert, CEO of WealthAbility, bestselling author, podcast host, Rich Dad Advisor and the CPA to Robert Kiyosaki .

Tom has been instrumental in assisting numerous entrepreneurs and investors in legally minimizing their tax liabilities. Discover Tom’s valuable insights into strategic approaches that advisors can employ to empower their high-net-worth clients in accumulating more wealth within the framework of the tax code.

Delve into the future landscape of the tax advisory profession, including the transformative impact of emerging technologies like AI. Gain actionable tips that financial advisors can apply to enhance client value and expand your practices effectively.

Episode Transcription

This is the Ultimate Advisor Podcast, the podcast for financial advisors who want to create a thriving, successful and scalable practice. Each week we’ll uncover the ways that you can improve your referrals your team, your marketing, and your business operations, helping you to level up your advising practice, bring in more assets and create the advising practice that you’ve dreamed of. You’ll be joined by our hosts Bryan Sweet, who is moving fast towards a billion dollars in assets under management, Brittany Anderson, the driving force for advisors looking to improve their operations and company culture, and Draye Redfern who can help you systematize and automate your practices marketing to effortlessly attract new clients. So what do you say? Let’s jump into another amazing episode of The Ultimate Advisor Podcast.

Brittany Anderson 1:07

Welcome back to The Ultimate advisor podcast Brittany Anderson here with our special guest, Mr. Tom Wheelwright. Tom is a tax and wealth expert. He is a CPA, a CEO of WealthAbility, Rich Dad Advisor, entrepreneur, international speaker, the best selling author of Tax free wealth, how to build massive wealth by permanently reducing your taxes and his newest book titled the winwin wealth strategy. Seven investments the government will pay you to make will write is the CPA for Robert Kiyosaki  -Rich Dad, Poor Dad if you’re not familiar, and has spoken on stages on every continent to over 100,000 entrepreneurs, small business owners and investors. He also is the host of two popular podcasts, the wealth ability show with Tom wheelwright CPA and the wealth ability for CPAs show his goal is to help people achieve their financial dreams faster by permanently and legally reducing their taxes we’ll write is a contributor to Entrepreneur Magazine. And his work has been seen in Forbes, the Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and on Fox and Friends marketplace, NPR, ABC News, radio and hundreds of other media outlets. Tom, welcome to the show.

Tom Wheelwright 2:28

Thanks, Brittany. It’s a delight to be here with you.

Brittany 2:30

Well, Tom, we’ve heard all of your amazing, incredible achievements. And as I like to say, I’d love to peel back the layers on who Tom is beyond the bio. So can you share a little bit of your journey? And really what got you into the work that you do today?

Tom 2:46

Yeah, sure. So I grew up in Salt Lake City, Utah, I was a good Mormon boy. And so when I was 19 years old, I got to spend two years in France, basically learning how to get rejected in France. And that’s really the best training for an entrepreneur that you can get is getting comfortable with rejection. Every entrepreneur knows that rejection is a key, actually a key to success. And then, even before that, I spent many years working in my family business. So my dad was a printer. My mother was the comptroller for his printing company. And we all all the kids, I’m the youngest of six, all the kids worked in the printing business. I worked as a bookkeeper with my mother, so I actually worked for my mother and and then she worked with my father. And then other siblings were in the art department or the press department or whatever. And so that really is what kind of got me going on accounting in the first place. And then I learned early on I liked law and taxes, a nice combination of numbers and accounting and law. And that’s really what got me started. I started with Ernst and Young back in the olden, olden days when it was Ernst and Whinney and spent seven years there, including three years in their national tax office. And I spent four years in house with a fortune 500 company as their tax advisor and I spent and then I built CPA firms for about 25 years. last five years, I’ve been spending my time building a network of CPA firms we which we have just turned we’re just turning into a franchise. So we’ll be my knowledge, the first tax advisory franchise, there are a lot of tax preparation franchises, but no tax advisory franchises. And we’ll and our goal is to be the largest tax advisory franchise in the world. So I think we have a shot at it. And in the meantime, I you know, also get to travel with Robert Kiyosaki. We just got back from Germany and the UK in London, speaking to audiences there and and in my spare time I get to spend most of my time with my family and my grandkids.

Brittany 4:57

Well, the list of accomplishments and experiences I should say is endless that appears Tom, which is so exciting. So you briefly mentioned, you know, this new franchise model. So I would assume that our advisors tuning in ears are perking up, because it is so important, as you know, for us as Wealth Advisors, and in this industry, to have access to great CPAs, to people who truly know what they’re doing, and who can help serve a certain echelon of clientele. So can you help just share a little bit more about what that franchise model is going to look like?

Tom 5:35

Yeah, so So what we’re really good at is tax strategies and tax planning. And what and, and what I’m really good at is just training, I love to I love to teach, I love to train. And so we’ve been training CPAs, we’ve, we have a network of 60, CPA firms that we’re just converting into a franchise model. And we train them twice a month, we do very extensive training, technical training, as well as client service training. And the goal is to really allow entrepreneurs to serve other entrepreneurs. And that’s why we’re not a big firm, don’t ever want to be a big firm, because I don’t want a bunch of employees trying to tell an entrepreneur what to do, or how to how to handle their taxes much better if it’s an owner operator, who does that. On top of that, I would say that, we expect that, you know, we’re seeing more and more multidisciplinary practices. So for example, in Arizona, you can have a multidisciplinary practice with CPAs. And attorneys in, in a lot of states, what we’re seeing is we’re seeing financial advisors who decide, well, we need CPAs on our staff, well, an alternative would be just be an owner in a CPA in our in a franchise, and then you don’t have to worry about all of the difficulties of running that that tax practice, and you still have access directly to those CPAs. But and other than that, we just are going to have the best tax advisers, we have the best system for tax advice, and we have the best customer service.

Brittany 7:06

So, as these franchises continue to grow over time, are you actually placing CPAs into the franchise, or just talk a little bit about how that strategy will work?

Tom 7:17

Yeah, so our primary just like any franchise, our primary role is sales and marketing, that in brand, that’s our primary role. However, in a professional franchise, you have to actually train them. So that that would be the other thing that we have to we have to make sure that they’re delivering quality advice, we we need to actually do a lot of quality control with them. What I find that most of our most in our profession of the CPA profession lack is they lack the systems and really the knowledge of you know, how to recruit how to maintain staff how to how to Bill Price, and Bill, I mean, these are types of things that we do train our franchisees on those aspects. And so we actually have a separate recruiting company that recruits just recruit CPAs, just for our franchisees.

Brittany 8:05

Wow. So Tom to get into a little bit more of what differentiates you. And what differentiates, you know, call it the entities as a whole? I’m sure that our advisors tuning in are definitely hungry for some interesting tax strategies. And, you know, one of the things that you’ve talked about is building wealth through tax strategies. So is there anything here that you could share with our adviser listeners that would absolutely apply to their higher net worth clients in helping them to add even more value?

Tom 8:34

Yeah, for sure. I think taxes are a huge part. So it’s our clients single biggest expense, right? So it’s, it’s all of our clients. single biggest expense is taxes. And so anything you can do to legally reduce tax, but what differentiates us is how we look at the tax law. So if you read tax free wealth, or the winwin wealth strategy, what you find is that we look at taxes, not as a negative, but the tax law actually can be a positive. And if you look at what I discovered in 40 years of doing is that the tax law really is fundamentally a series of incentives and its incentives to do certain things that the government wants done, for example, in the window and wealth strategy, which is really the wealth book, where the tax free wealth is the textbook and the window and wealth strategy, we actually identify seven areas where the government says, Look, if you do these things, we will give you a major tax break, whether it’s starting your own business or investing in technology or investing in real estate that serves other people, not just you, okay, so we all know if you buy a house for yourself, there’s a small mortgage interest deduction, and maybe a tax deduction though that’s tense that’s gone away. For the most part if you buy a house for somebody else, in other words, you you buy a house that you rent, or you buy a four Plex or you buy a multifamily that you rent to other people. Your deduction for interest, taxes and other expenses is on limited, so you don’t have those same limitations. So basically what the government is saying there, we have to look at what’s the government saying, the government is saying you, we’re glad you’re buying a house for yourself, and we’ll help you out with that. But if you buy housing for other people will really help you. And in fact, the reality, so what comes down to Brittany is people have a choice. So what we don’t have a choice on is that we’re partners with the government, we don’t get to choose that we choose that just by living here, right? That’s our choice to live here. And then the government imposes taxes, that’s their right Well, we do get to choose what kind of partner we are. So we can be a silent partner, pay a whole bunch of tax, which is what most people do 90% plus of the population is that, as my friend Robert Kiyosaki would say, that, you know, makes us the tax mule, right, we’re just carrying the tax burden is what we’re doing, or we can actually do things the government wants us to do. And when we do that, two things happen. First of all, we reduce our taxes, then we have several clients that have reduced them to zero, you can legally reduce taxes to zero that way, and the government will never complain about it, but to not only you’re reducing your taxes, but you’re building more wealth. So one of the things I explain is that the way the tax law works is the more income you make, the more taxes you pay, but the more wealth you build, the less tax you pay, because the government really doesn’t, you know, they’ll they’ll tax the income, but they won’t tax the wealth accumulation. I mean, even look at your typical stock market investor, double stock mountain market investor, they’re not being taxed on the appreciation in the growth of their portfolio. And unless they sell it, if they convert it into cash, now they’re going to be taxed, but they could literally hold it till they die and never pay tax on it. This is the old buy, borrow die strategy, you know, you, you buy the asset, you build it up in value, you borrow against it, and then you die with the asset and the loan in place, and you don’t ever pay any tax. And that’s doable in any asset class. So it really is our focuses on how to build wealth through lowering your taxes, not just about lowering your tax.

Brittany 12:01

I think there’s, there’s so many I call them golden nuggets in there for advisors to take away. And really, I mean, you just demonstrated Tom how important it is to have the right CPA kind of in your pocket in your backyard, so that you can lean into the the strategies, and you talked about the ones that are are legal, and that upstand, you know, speculation or anything of the sorts and unfortunately, there’s also people out there that maybe lean too far the other way. So I think there’s such a fine balance for advisors, you know, being able to find the right resources, the right people, and people that can truly help them strategies for their best clients. So Tom, I want to flip this a little bit personal on you, because you have had some amazing accolades over the years great recognitions, you’ve been recognized, you know, across the board for the work that you’ve done, what do you consider to be your biggest accomplishment?

Tom 12:56

Oh, well, my my base accomplishment my kids, but beyond my family, I think the biggest reward, I would say the biggest compliment that I find is when somebody comes up to me. And literally, I’ve had this in Romania, and I’ve had it literally all over the world, people come up to me and say, You changed my life, because now I’m financially free. And I can I can work when I want to work, I don’t have to work and or entrepreneurs, I had a couple of entrepreneurs they owned. They own a small pharmacy in a small town in the Midwest. And they came up to me and said, Tom, just one of your strategies was the difference between staying in business and going out of business. And those to me, those are the big wins when when we can when I can see entrepreneurs because what we want to do with entrepreneurs is we want to help them free up capital that they would otherwise send to the government to use in their business and investing endeavors. So we’re trying to help the government do what the government wants done. That’s really our goal. We’re not looking for tax shelters. We’re not looking for the latest tax gimmick. I see them all day long. I know you do, too. You see these tax gimmicks and going you don’t have to go with the gimmick, the tax law is structured to reduce your taxes. It’s a roadmap to reducing your taxes. And so for me, the big wins are always when I get you know, somebody stopped me on the street or any event. I’ve even been you know, I’ll go to a mastermind group when people come out, say, Oh, my heavens, your podcast, your books have just absolutely changed not just the way I look at taxes and my wealth, but they’ve actually changed the way I work with my CPA.

Brittany 14:36

Wow. Wow. You know, I think that’s incredible and it really goes back to impact. You know what you’re doing when you can sit back and look at the results through the eyes of others. There is something so beautiful and powerful about that. So Tom, you mentioned something interesting, you’re a part of, you know, multiple different mastermind or entrepreneurial type groups. Brian sweet and I both are huge believers. Draye. Redfern are they’re a partner in this huge believers in you know, really making sure that we’re putting ourselves in the right rooms. And we believe that if we’re the smartest person in the room, we’re in the wrong room. So, Tom, when you think about just this network, and people you’ve encountered and all the people you’ve helped to over the years, what is one way you commonly see people get in their own way? Or they get stuck?

Tom 15:24

I, I would go to the three most expensive words in the English language. And they are do it yourself. Totally where people get in their own way. They’re doing their own taxes. They’re doing their own financial planning. They’re doing their own bookkeeping. Oh, that’s the worst one, they do their own bookkeeping. Are you kidding me and pay somebody 50 $60 an hour? And you’re doing your own bookkeeping? Are you kidding me? And they’re gonna do it faster than you are? So if you look at time, you know, time is our most precious commodity. Why would you do something that you know nothing about? Why I mean, you need to learn the basics. Don’t get me wrong, I think everybody should understand the basics of accounting. For example, if you’re in business better understand the basics of accounting, if you’re going to invest, you better understand the basics of finance, right? If you’re investing in real estate, you’d better understand what a cap rate is. Okay? So there are certain things you need to understand. There’s just a lot of the details that you don’t, you know, I’m old enough where my brain is full. If I’m going to have something new put in, I have to get rid of something. So I try not to, what I’m looking for is just getting rid of little nitpicky trivia, and putting in bigger ideas. And then I can let other people other professionals do things. So I’m not a I’m not a financial planner. Do I work with a financial planner? Absolutely. I’m not a real estate expert. Do I work with real estate experts? Absolutely. So you know, I just, I, I’m really good at tax. But I will tell you, my wife is better at it from a tax return standpoint. So she’s the one who’s doing the tax returns. She’s right now I prepare my tax return, and she reviews it. But she has her own CPA firm. She’s very good at the details. And so I think the other thing is really looking at what are you, you know, what are you really good at and letting getting other people to do?

Brittany 17:14

It makes me think immediately about the book who not how by Dan Sullivan. And Benjamin Hardy, I highly recommend and I we’ve talked about this book on the podcast before but I mean, Tom, everything you said there, the the DI wires, the people who think that they’re saving time or money or whatever the rationale is, there’s so much proof on the other side that once you let go and you truly lean into where you should be spending your time and where you add the most value to the world, just the catalyst of positive things that happen from there. So Tom, you know, when I think about the world of let’s just call it finance, and finance defined by many different layers, be it you know, you mentioned real estate, you know, in accounting and taxes and wealth advising, it’s really our job to stay on top of both the negative and the positive going on in the world. And sometimes the negative 10 outweigh the positive when you’re looking outside at what’s happening. So what are some things that you do to really keep your mindset in check and to help you, you know, stay focused on the positive and not succumb to kind of what’s going on in the world?

Tom 18:23

Well, fortunately, I fortunately, unfortunately, I kind of looked through the world through rose colored glasses, so not really a big issue for me, I just tend to see the positive, I tend to be able to say, I’ve always been we’ll look at both sides. And always ask the question on both sides. For example, I subscribe to multiple newspapers, I don’t subscribe just to the newspaper or the the online information that goes along with my primary views. I subscribe to both sides. And I watch videos on both sides. And I actually think that that’s important, because when I think we get caught up in the negative when we’re so sure that we’re the positive. And if we look at you know, the one of the things Robert taught me was, every coin has three sides, it has a heads and tails, and it has the side. And really the genius is to be able to stand on this on the edge of the coin and look at both sides. And that’s, you know, if we can do that, then we can be objective. We don’t get caught up in the negative, and we only see the possibility.

Brittany 19:24

I think that is such valuable advice. I was in a conversation recently with somebody and they said that for them if they have a strong opinion on something and they start seeing too much evidence that they’re right, they immediately are like, I’m not looking in the right place. And I think that is such a great characteristic to embody and embrace when you think about you know, the biases that can happen when you become too strongly one way or the other regardless of what it is. So I think the rose colored glasses are serving you well.

Tom 19:54

Well, if I could add I mean even in even in your own profession, so in my profession, you know I’ve got more experience than most people in my profession. And I’ve done more than most people in my profession, I’ll still get like the other day I had a client send me a said so and so had sent him an idea and an investment idea and does it work and I looked at him going God, this is really clever from a tax standpoint, I don’t think it works from an investment standpoint. But it’s really clever from a tax standpoint, I let him know I said, Here’s your risk, which is not a tax risk. But I’m going, I want to learn, you know, if there’s another way to look at it, I want to be able to, that’s the big, that’s the big idea that I want to be able to see is a different point of view.

Brittany 20:38

And I think that’s something that our advisor audience tuning in. And I know this is something that many of our listeners do, because we’ll hear stories of this have changed perspective and, you know, little nuggets of wisdom that they’re like, Wow, I haven’t thought of it that way before. So, and it goes back to Tom, I think it’s the proverbial learners mindset, the person who’s never believing that they know it all, because there’s so much more to see and to hear and to learn out there. So, Tom, when you think about the future and rose colored glasses or not, what are you most excited about? Something you’re working on something that’s that’s coming up? You know, what’s really got you excited?

Tom 21:17

Well, I think we’re, at least in my profession, we’re in a unique place in history, because our profession is going to change radically in the next five to 10 years. I think that’s true in all financial advisory professions. But I certainly in the tax advisory profession, I think within five years, you know, accountant will be doing data entry into a tax return, I’m going in, if that’s your business, you’re in trouble. But I see I look at AI and blockchain together, I always look at those two technologies together, because blockchain is what gives us some assurance that what we’re learning from the AI is accurate is correct, and accurate. So I don’t think you can do one without the other. So the web three, you know, you got to have AI in there. But the AI is really to really pull from what blockchain gives us. And I look at those I’m going how many tools What What amazing tools are we going to have. And we’re actually looking at, you know what, I’m excited because we’re creating a lot of those tools. So we’re we’re really, we have a software company that is building tools for tax advisory services for helping people learn about how to build their wealth, what the options are, I had a client just yesterday, he’s been investing in real estate for 10 years, and he’s a very successful business owner, he says, I’ve never really quite understood cap rate. And so I just gave him a little lesson on cap rate, I’m going wow, that is so interesting. What it tells me is, how little people know and how much there is to teach and to learn. So I think the opportunity to learn and to grow into to get so much more knowledge and wisdom is just going to accelerate. And I’m very excited about that.

Brittany 23:02

You know, I think you’re dead on there. And you know, when we start talking about AI blockchain, you know, kind of all that’s coming down the pipeline, at least? Well, I’ll say this, it’s been here, but coming more to the general population, people can get a little fearful and they start, you know, I’ve heard many conversationally for clients come in talking about this, like, what’s the state of jobs? What’s the state of the economy? What’s going to happen? And for me, I think it’s exciting because I think new jobs are going to be born. I think that, you know, the notion of AI is not going to replace the person, but the person who doesn’t embrace and use AI will absolutely be replaced. So I would be curious, just your general look, because of the circles that you run in, you know, what do you see as possibility beyond what you just shared when it comes to AI? And kind of what it’s going to do in the world?

Tom 23:48

Well I haven’t, I think, I think what we’ll be able to do is we’ll actually be able to use the higher parts of our brain as advisors, you know, we’ve done so much routine work, whether it’s, you know, tax return work, or bookkeeping work, or, you know, in the financial planning area is that, you know, just the very basic stuff, even an evaluation of client, I’m going, I don’t think anybody’s going to have to do client evaluations at all, I think the client will just, you know, have have a little input screen, and they’re gonna fill out their put their information in and or we’re going to upload all their information, and it will actually let them know well, here you go. Here’s your risk risk analysis. Here’s here’s some things to be looking at, you know, based on your preferences, I think we’re just going to be able to do more, because we won’t have to spend so much time, you know, we still spend I mean in so I have a CPA firm besides the franchise, so we’re a franchisee Of course, and in my CPA firm, we still spend a lot of time during tax returns. I’m going what, but we have really smart people wouldn’t be great. If we could just do a lot more advice, advisory services. Maybe we could learn how to ask better questions. Since maybe we could actually gather better information and sort that information so that we could analyze it better. I mean, the job of an advisor is to ask good questions and analyze the info and analyze the results. That’s our job. And maybe we could just do just that. And I just think, you know, if you if you look back, there was a time when weaving, for example, was, was all done by hand. Right. And there were there was a group called The Luddites back in the 1800s. And they went in, and these were employees who went and destroyed the weaving machines, because they go, it’s going to take our jobs. I mean, that’s exactly where we are right now, with AI and going, you’re worried about AI destroying your job, what you ought to be looking for is, how do I end up with a better job, and I think it’s going to be more jobs, not fewer jobs, because we’re going to have more opportunities and more possibilities.

Brittany 25:50

I couldn’t agree with you more there. And you know, there’s, I love the example of the weaving. And there’s so many examples, as you look back over the history of time at where advancements and evolution really helped enhance how we do things. And I think this is exciting. And I’m also one that tends to look on the positive versus kind of the darker, negative side. So I completely relate to what you’re saying there. So Tom, I know you have I think it’s a third edition of tax free wealth coming out, is that right?

Tom 26:18

We do we have a third edition coming out, probably in January, is the third edition of tax free wealth. And it it’s a it’s better. I mean, you know, when I actually started working on it, I wasn’t planning on being a third edition, I just thought it’d be an update. But it just, we just did so much with it that we decided that wow, this really qualifies as a third edition. And it just incorporates a lot of things that I’ve learned over the last five years since our second edition came out. And, you know, what’s what’s happened since then? And I really believe it’s the best version. So I’m very excited about

Brittany 26:51

awesome, I know, we will definitely get our hands on that. So Tom, before I ask my last question, or two, if somebody wants to get access to any of the resources you’ve mentioned, learn more about how you might be able to support them, how your companies might be able to support them, how would they go about doing that?

Tom 27:09

Well, obviously, the books are in any bookstore on Amazon, they’re really easy to find tax free wealth is been the number one bestseller in this category for many, many, many years. And which for which I’m very, very grateful, the best way to get in touch with us is WealthAbility.com. And what we’ll do is we’ll do and I would, this would be great for the advisors on this call. Because what we’ll do is we’ll do a kind of a second opinion on your tax return. And it might be I always think it’s best. So I always I always try out anything that I’m going to before I present it to our clients, I always try it out myself, I want to make sure have I evaluated this, does this make sense to me before, and I always 100% of the time, even if it’s a tax idea. I will try it first. And, and so I would just you know, open that up, just schedule a call we’ll do and we’ll do a free evaluation and say, Well, look, is there? Is there anything that you’re missing? Or are you in great shape? And we’ll do that no charge WealthAbility.com.

Brittany 28:09

Awesome. And we’ll make sure that those links are included in the show notes. That is a huge gift for you to have somebody go through that assessment and could not agree more before you go recommending anything or anyone doing your due diligence in general across the board, because there’s a lot of great talkers out there. But what we’re looking for is results. And that’s obviously what matters. So Tom, you know, one of the questions that I have is if you were put in a room full of highly successful advisors, which I’m sure you’ve been in rooms like that, because you’ve spoke all over the globe. But if you’re putting a room with highly successful advisors, and you were able to offer them one piece of advice that comes from your actual experience, what would that one thing be?

Tom 28:49

Well ask better questions. It’s always about asking better questions, whether it’s asking better questions for your clients asking better questions of your who’s asking better questions of the world asking better questions of your spouse, your kids. To me, it’s you know, it’s education is about pulling out a do say the word that is the root of educate, is not about shoving stuff into people. It’s about pulling it out of people. And I think what makes a great teacher is the same thing makes great advisor is somebody who really asks great questions. So that would be if there was one skill set that I wish every advisor had it would be to ask better questions.

Brittany 29:32

I love that. And I think that, you know, a lot of times those better questions can come from putting yourself in rooms with people that are outside the box. You know, I think you know, Tom, I know you’re a part of strategic coach. And you know, Brian and I have been part of Genius Network for a long time and there’s all kinds of different masterminds and entrepreneurial groups, but I think it really forces you to think and see things from a different light which in turn can help you Ask those better those deeper questions of yourself and then of your clients as well. So love that. Tom, what haven’t I asked you that I should have?

Tom 30:07

Oh, I think you’ve done a terrific job. Brittany, it’s been a pleasure to be on the show with you today. I, I love. I love working with financial advisors. It’s interesting. They’re an interesting combination of academic and client service. And because I find a lot of not all financial advice, just like not all CPAs. But I think a lot of financial advisors really do want to understand what they’re doing better. They want to understand how to make things better for their clients. And, and so they do want to know more. And one of the things that I would hope is, when it comes to taxes, don’t don’t try to be the expert, because I will tell you, I will never try to be the expert on stocks on the stock market. And I find too often that I have no idea whether they’re financial planners or attorneys or other people who really aren’t tax professionals, and they try to be tax professionals, when all they really need to do is to have a team of tax professionals they can call on.

Brittany 31:08

brings us right back to the who not how concept of making sure you’ve got the right who’s in your network and leaning into other people’s talents so you can deliver the best value that you were put on this earth to deliver. So, Tom, thank you so much for your time today. We know that, as we say time is the only commodity we can’t get any more of so we appreciate you.

Tom 31:27

Thank you very much, Brittany.

Brittany 31:28

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